
Improvement ideas

  • Edwinzap

    Edwinzap - 2015-02-12

    Sorry for my bad english, I come from Belgium so I speak french (understand english but speak, its more difficult !)

    I wanted before to create myself my own software. I began to code and then, I found OpenSong, really great software and FREE ! Thanks a lot ! So I tried the software during few days and wrote my ideas. Below, my ideas:

    Small bug:

    • Change tab indexes of the textboxes. The tab indexes are not in the correct order. So with the tab key, its really hard to go where u want.
    • Change the help window. In and C#, its possible to choose if a window is a dialog or a form. Is it possible here. If its possible, change the Help window in Form window (like that, its possible to catch the Help window with alt+tab, more usefull)
    • I had a problem with the New Song dialog. Its a dialog, Im sure cause I cant do anything behind, but if I go to another software and then come back, I can change the text behind the dialog. Thats not really important and dont think its possible to change that.
    • Is it possible to filter songs correctly? (i know its a french thing but the "é" or "è" are after "e" and not at the end (after z))

    For the Song Mode:

    • It could be great if u had a feature to create our own sets of styles and apply different style for each section (one style for chorus, one for pre-chorus, verse,...) If u do that, so u can take off the option to "higlight chorus text"
    • Be able to add/delete Themes.
    • Be able to rename a folder (and why not, be able to create folder in folder)
    • Change the General / Advanced buttons in tab buttons (so we can change from one to the other by press ctrl+tab)


    • Be able to change the default shortkeys (not really important)
    • Add a default button to restore default settings (for general, presentation,...)

    I will have also ideas to improve the Presentation Helper.

    And... its the end ^^

    Not everything is really important to change but i think some things are easy to change (like tab indexes) but other more difficult (like create our own sets of styles)
    I really want to help so, if I can developp, please, tell me how to do !


    • SvA

      SvA - 2015-04-03

      Hi Edwin,

      I’d like to comment on some of your suggestions.

      New Song Dialog
      I’m not sure if I know what you are talking about. On my system (right now OS 2.1.2 on Windows XP), when I click Create in the New Song frame in Song Mode, I get a modal dialog asking me for a name. That dialog stays modal at all times, even if I switch away using mouse or Alt+Tab and come back to OpenSong in various ways. All the actual entry/editing of the song happens in the main window.

      filter songs correctly
      There are more requests concerning search and sorting of accented characters. This appears to be a limitation of the programming environment and its attempt to be consistent over all supported platforms.

      Renaming Folders
      Renaming a folder breaks all sets that contain songs from that folder or any subfolder. There is no certain way to correct those. However, If you know what you are doing, you can rename the folder in the filesystem. If OpenSong is running at the time you will need to Refresh Songs Folder (Settings menu).

      default button to restore default settings
      I hate those! How many times did I loose carefully selected settings, just because a button like this was overly eager. And after initial experimenting, you probably won’t ever need it again. What you’ll need is a backup of OpenSong’s data folder which contains the configuration, Sets, Songs and Backgrounds. You may delete any of those folders and on next start, OpenSong will ask to copy over its defaults. For individual settings files (MainSettings, PresentSettings, PrintSettings) you can copy those from the program folder to the corresponding file in the data path to revert just that.
      When it comes to presentation settings, I recommend to use Style slides within your set, rather than modifying the global presentation setting each time. As you suggest, being able to save Themes was a great help also.

      Thanks for taking the time and sharing your thoughts and suggestions.

      • Paul Jefferies

        Paul Jefferies - 2015-07-02

        default button to restore default settings

        I hate those! How many times did I loose carefully selected settings, just because a button like this was overly eager

        Surely the proper way to implement it is to have a settings record ("profile") that can be applied. When you restore to default then you automatically save a settings record and so create a way to return to the prior state. Seems like your hate is really for improperly implemented features.

        That aside, having a way for all user-editable settings to be restored to a prior good state seems sensible especially if OpenSong is to be used by less technically minded congregants.


        Last edit: Paul Jefferies 2015-07-02
  • Edwinzap

    Edwinzap - 2015-02-12

    To continue...
    - Add shortkeys to edit faster songs (ex: alt + 1 to put [V1], alt + 2, [V2])
    - When create a new song (ctrl+N) come back to the General tab

    Yes I know, I ask a lot ^^


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