
Russian Bible

David Gray
  • David Gray

    David Gray - 2014-06-30

    Would it be possible to get the Russian Synodal version of the Bible on OpenSong? It is open copyright so there shouldn't be a problem apart from the different verse numbers in e.g. Psalms.

  • Wayne

    Wayne - 2014-06-30

    Opensong uses bible in XML format so you can get them from the Zefania XML bible on source forge here. Looks like the Synodal is at
    I tried it and it works with opensong, though I can't read any of it not knowing the language. Opensong does ask what language you want books in, but Russian doesn't appear as an option (I used English).
    If you need the Russian book names, it looks like you can add them to bnames.xml in C:\Program Files\OpenSong\OpenSong Settings (on Windows)


    Last edit: Wayne 2014-06-30
  • Ed Palmer

    Ed Palmer - 2014-07-01

    Wayne correctly points out that the Zefania module for the Russian Synodal Translation is available and will load into OpenSong.

    If you update the file "bnames.xml" to include the Russian book names and abbreviations, please post your changes here or email them to me and we will add them to the next OpenSong release.


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