
#1 WARNING: database engine not found - tried 'MYSQL'


After following the steps on the install document posted on the OpenSips website, building from source on a Fedora machine, it would appear that it won't start when I run.

Here is command window text:
[ sbin]# opensipsctl start
WARNING: database engine not found - tried 'MYSQL'

INFO: Starting OpenSIPS :

ERROR: PID file /var/run/ does not exist -- OpenSIPS start failed

I followed another unresolved thread and found the following:

[ sbin]# cd /usr/local/lib/opensips
[ opensips]# ls
modules opensipsctl
[ opensips]# cd opensipsctl
[ opensipsctl]# ls
dbtextdb opensipsctl.ctlbase opensipsctl.fifo opensipsctl.unixsock opensipsdbctl.dbtext
opensipsctl.base opensipsctl.dbtext opensipsctl.sqlbase opensipsdbctl.base

Any solutions?


  • Iñaki Baz Castillo

    Steve, a bug tracker is not a place in which users should ask basic questions about how to run OpenSIPS for the first time.
    Such a question should take place in the OpenSIPS users maillist.

  • Iñaki Baz Castillo

    Well, sorry, I didn't realize that the question was in the "Support Requests" section. Anyhow I recommend you to ask the question in the users maillist, full of activity.

  • Sergio Gutierrez

    Hello Steve.

    Could you provide more details about what commands did you use on you build?
    What version of OpenSIPS are you using?



  • Steve

    Steve - 2009-03-02

    I managed to find an obscure comment about how certain modules were disabled in the Makefile. The comment was in the Mysql readme file in the modules directory. At any rate, after I removed the exclude reference for db_mysql, presence, and presence_xml modules, and re-built/reinstalled the project, it ran (at least from the command line).

    I am still trying to understand why it runs now when I invoke opensips directly, but fails when I try to run it using the /etc/init.d/opensips script that I copied from the packaging/fedora directory into the /etc/init.d folder. (the Make Install didn't do that automatically)

    If you would like me to use the forums for this instead I will do so. Also, I would like to get involved in helping out here. 1. So I can learn more about the technology, 2. So I can give back some.

    I am a good writer, and not too stupid technologically speaking. Once I get rolling, I am pretty productive.

  • Steve

    Steve - 2009-03-02
    • status: open --> closed
  • Steve

    Steve - 2009-03-02
    • status: closed --> open
  • Steve

    Steve - 2009-03-02

    I managed to find an obscure comment about how certain modules were disabled in the Makefile. The comment was in the Mysql readme file in the modules directory. At any rate, after I removed the exclude reference for db_mysql, presence, and presence_xml modules, and re-built/reinstalled the project, it ran (at least from the command line).

    I am still trying to understand why it runs now when I invoke opensips directly, but fails when I try to run it using the /etc/init.d/opensips script that I copied from the packaging/fedora directory into the /etc/init.d folder. (the Make Install didn't do that automatically)

    If you would like me to use the forums for this instead I will do so. Also, I would like to get involved in helping out here. 1. So I can learn more about the technology, 2. So I can give back some.

    I am a good writer, and not too stupid technologically speaking. Once I get rolling, I am pretty productive.


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