
CallerID Manipulation Verification

  • apsaras

    apsaras - 2013-04-28


    I am looking for the best way to implement the following two CallerID functionality.

    1. A customer with a SIP Trunk (without registration, I am using permission module) should be able to set a CallerID from a white list or from a specific pattern ie +30123123123 or a 12 digit number starting with +30. Instead of having a table with regexp to validate, is there any other faster/reliable way of doing it?

    2.  Each terminating Carrier need its own way to set the CallerID of a call. Some need + sign some other leading zeros and some other just country prefix. I am using drouting but manipulation functionality which is included is not very flexible and easy to maintain. Again I can implement that with regexp from DB, but I am looking for other alternative.

    Thank you in advance for your help

  • Bogdan-Andrei Iancu


    1) if you need to check against a list , DR is the fastest. If you need regexp, use the dialplan module.

    2) maybe using dialplan module (different dialplans for each carrier) to convert the callerID to the needed format via regexp (subst like)


  • apsaras

    apsaras - 2013-04-29

    Great. I will try Dialplan for both and let you know.

    Thnak you for quick reply.