
#358 Content-Length and $du

core (110)

Hi Guys,

My scenario is:
Origination -> Opensips Proxy -> Opensips B2B -> Termination

I have the $avp(s:fwd_ip) parameter that contains the destination uri.

What I am doing is:

$du = $avp(s:fwd_ip);
b2b_init_request("top hiding");

You can see what happens upon a call:

Shortly, upon sending the call from the B2B to the termination, the line:
is truncated to:

That leads to the SDP body length to NOT match to the Content-Length value and my termination rejects the call.
If I use the rewritehostport() function, the issue does not exists, but that way I cannot dynamically set the destination uri (because rewritehostport() does not support AVP values).

My workaround to that issue is:
perl_exec("fwd","forward the call to the termination");
b2b_init_request("top hiding");

Where the fwd perl function does:
sub fwd {
my $m = shift;
my $ruri = OpenSIPS::AVP::get('fwd_ip');
return 1;

It will be much easier if everything worked using the initial method:
$du = $avp(s:fwd_ip);

Please take a look into that bug.



  • Ovidiu Sas

    Ovidiu Sas - 2011-02-25

    It seems that I ran into a similar issue, although in a different setup.
    The problem seems to be related to the fact that the INVITE has a Route header and the length of the Route header is not properly computed.

  • Ovidiu Sas

    Ovidiu Sas - 2011-02-25

    Forgot to mention, there were 8 missing bytes in my case too.
    The whole message is truncated by 8 bytes regardless of the length of Content-Length.

  • Anca Vamanu

    Anca Vamanu - 2011-03-02

    Hi Kamen,

    I have fixed this in both trunk and 1.6 branch. Please update your code.


  • Anca Vamanu

    Anca Vamanu - 2011-03-02
    • status: open --> closed
  • Anca Vamanu

    Anca Vamanu - 2011-03-02
    • status: closed --> closed-fixed
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-03-02

    Hi Anca,

    Ok, I just tested your fix.
    Now I have an issue with the "To" header.

    Test 1:
    I'm doing:

    On the termination side, I got the following call:
    INVITE sip:359883327749@ SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKd265.5561daf1.0
    To: sip:359883327749@
    From: "kamen" <sip:88888888888@>;tag=7f0faf11dec05d3d0b92e82278c02f6e

    Test 2 (with the updated $du):
    $avp(s:fwd_ip) = 'sip:359883327749@';
    $du = $avp(s:fwd_ip);

    On the termination side, I got the following:
    INVITE sip:359883327749:@ SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKe086.f02b5083.0
    To: sip:359883327749@
    From: "kamen" <sip:88888888888@>;tag=03023e1862b6574dee02e4e4375d639c

    As you can see, the To header becomes invalid when I use $du. Could you please fix that too :)

    -- Kamen

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-03-02
    • status: closed-fixed --> open-fixed
  • Anca Vamanu

    Anca Vamanu - 2011-03-03

    Hi Kamen,

    The reason why the To header is changes is that you use the "rewritehostport" function. It rewrites the domain part in the ruri and the B2BUA takes what finds in RURI and puts in To header. You don't need that function, just drop it.


  • Anca Vamanu

    Anca Vamanu - 2011-03-03
    • assigned_to: nobody --> anca_vamanu
  • Anca Vamanu

    Anca Vamanu - 2011-04-05
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed

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