
newbie: Basic questions/Problems

  • reinhard

    reinhard - 2013-02-25

    I am evaluating OSS to implement crawling, indexing and searching a mid-sized ASP.NET (MVC4) website.

    So far it looks promising.
    Here are some basic questions, which I could not find in the docs:

    1. German Umlauts:
      the Renderer/Search for German Umlauts 'ä, ü, ö' fails:üche
      küche in the search box with no results - there should be results in the index!
      (I created a query "gSearch" with language=German

    2. can OSS return Synonyms like "...did you mean..." WITHOUT having to manually insert every thinkable or unthinkable synonym MANUALLY??

    3. is it possible to implement an autocomplete search box - similar to google's ?

    4. I did not get results until I added "aspx" in Schema->Parser_list-> HTML -> supported extensions
      is this correct - or should I add another parser for ASP - ... can I have more than one parser for HTML, ASP, PDF...etc...?

    5. after doing 4. I got results - both aspx and pdf documents... but I did not get a clickable link (filename) for the PDF-Files ??

    Thank you,

  • Naveen A.N

    Naveen A.N - 2013-02-25

    Hello Reinhard,

    Welcome to OpenSearchServer.

    1)German Umlauts:the Renderer/Search for German Umlauts 'ä, ü, ö' fails:

    The issue is because of the URI encoding in the tomcat server.
    Please check the server.xml file has the URIEncoding="UTF-8" in the connector tag.
     <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               URIEncoding="UTF-8"  />
     The default package distibuted by OpenSearchServer will have the settings by default.

    2)can OSS return Synonyms like "...did you mean..." WITHOUT having to manually insert every thinkable or unthinkable synonym MANUALLY??

    The spellcheck feature is available using the API only.

    3)Is it possible to implement an autocomplete search box - similar to google's ?

    Yes once the autocomplete is generated from "Schema/Auto-completion" the renderer will shows the autocompletion in the searchbox.

    4)I did not get results until I added "aspx" in Schema->Parser_list-> HTML -> supported extensions.

    The web cawler detects the content type and select the parser accordingly.
    The file crawler detetcs the extensions and selects the parser.
    So for web crawler you dont have to add the extension "aspx" in the HTML parser.

    5)After doing 4. I got results - both aspx and pdf documents... but I did not get a clickable link (filename) for the PDF-Files.

       If the title of the PDF file is not available the render wont show the PDF result as clickable.
       To fix this edit the renderer "Renderer/Edit the renderer/Fields" tab.
       Click the "FIELD:url " and  it will be available for editing.
       Select the "URL Field" set it to "url" and click the save button.
       Now the URL field will be clickable in the renderer.



    Last edit: Naveen A.N 2013-02-25
    • Franzvonhahn

      Franzvonhahn - 2013-11-06

      i have the same problem with german umlauts(ä,ü...) but i cant't find a server.xml in the installed package (version 1.5 beta).
      Thank you

      • reinhard

        reinhard - 2013-11-11

        server.xml is part of Tomcat-Installation
        for example:
        C:\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\conf


        Last edit: reinhard 2013-11-11
  • Emmanuel Keller

    Emmanuel Keller - 2013-11-11


    OpenSearchServer 1.5 introduces a new packaging, using an embedded version of Tomcat. The new (or start.bat) includes the parameter -uriEncoding UTF-8.


    Last edit: Emmanuel Keller 2013-11-11
  • pauvrator

    pauvrator - 2017-07-26

    Hi, i have problem with German Umlauts ü ö ä: i can not open the pdf files in renderer opensearchserver(1.5.14) if the title contents (ö,ü,ä,...)
    Please can you help me


    Last edit: pauvrator 2017-07-26

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