
Multiple Jobs or Jobs in Job Groups Don't run

Eric Gagne
  • Eric Gagne

    Eric Gagne - 2009-02-11


    First off, many thanks for what has been a great product, and will no doubt save us tons of time in our image making process.

    I do have one problem that hopefully someone can help with. The problem is that if multiple jobs are selected, either from within jobs and packages, or from job groups where several jobs are grouped, only on of the jobs will run, and the others do not run. The console will indicate that all jobs have executed ok, but only one job will actually finish. Has anyone else run into this problem, and if you have, is there a fix or work-around.

    Thanks to all in advance for any and all help :)


    • pkokkinos

      pkokkinos - 2009-02-17

      what kind of jobs are you running and in which Windows version?

      Also try to execute multiple simple jobs, for example "cmd.exe" rpc and check if the problem happens again. Also pls try 1.05 Manager.


    • Eric Gagne

      Eric Gagne - 2009-03-04


      I am sorry it took me so long to respond back; things got a little busy here.

      I am running some installable apps, which are packaged MSI files compiled as silent installs. The applications install fine when they are selected one at a time; however when more than one application is selected, only one of them will actually run. The console though, does show that the multiple applications have started, but only one of them actually gets downloaded to the workstation and installs. The remaining application(s) do not download via the agent.

      I do have 1.05 manager installed, running on 2003 server, and I did try this on another server, with the same results. The workstations I am trying to install applications to are Windows XP Pro SP2 and SP3 based.

      Using your suggestion of executing simple applications/jobs still results in only one of them actually running or installing successfully.

      It would be great to find out why this is happening, since OpenRSM is a great product and time saver for creating images.

      Thank you for all of your help.


    • pkokkinos

      pkokkinos - 2009-03-13

      Hi Eric,
      you are right it was a bug.

      We have uploaded a new version of the OpenRSM Agent 1.06.

      Please test it and give us a feedback.

      Thank you a lot !!!

      Best regards,

    • Eric Gagne

      Eric Gagne - 2009-03-17

      Hi Panagiotis,

      Thanks so much, I will give the new agent a try in the next day or so in my imaging/test area. This product is a real great thing that you and your team have created, and I look forward to all new developments.

      Best Regards,


    • Eric Gagne

      Eric Gagne - 2009-03-17

      Hi Panagiotis,

      Just an update, the newer agent is working much better with multiple jobs.

      I did put a post in the Manager section for a possible feature request. Would it possible in the future to have a per job time delay, where a delay of minutes/second could be specified before the next package is sent to the PC? This could apply to the jobs individually, and then when set up as a group, they can be arranged in order of which jobs need to be run last in terms of how large they are.

      Thanks so much for all of your help, and to many more great features.

      Best Regards,



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