
LDAP issue

Lou Taris
  • Lou Taris

    Lou Taris - 2013-01-11

    We are trying to get OpenRoom 1.4 up and running and getting an "operations error" when trying to login using LDAP.
    We use Active Directory for LDAP and usually need a BIND username and password to use AD.  There does not appear to be a LDAP configuration option for a BIND user.
    Any ideas?

  • jkneip

    jkneip - 2013-01-17

    I'm having the same issue with LDAP. Any assistance on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

  • Rod Bustos

    Rod Bustos - 2013-02-26

    We are having the exact same issue.  Anybody got ideas on this one?

  • Lou Taris

    Lou Taris - 2013-02-27

    We added this to or-authenticate.php

    function AuthenticateUser($username, $password, $settings){
            $Host = $settings;
            $BaseDN = $settings;
            // check for empty username and password
            if(empty($username) || empty($password))
                    throw new Exception("Username or password not supplied.", 0xb00b00);

            $connection = @ldap_connect($Host);             // try to make a connection
            $binduser = "";            // our additions
            $bind_pass = "passwordforaboveuser";           // our additions
            $response_from_bind = @ ldap_bind($connection,$binduser,$bind_pass);  //our additions

  • jkneip

    jkneip - 2013-03-01

    Thank you. Your additions to the or-authemticate.php script helped me out a lot. My only remaining issue is that I cannot get our students authenticated using this script. It works for employees, even service account, but not students.

  • Lou Taris

    Lou Taris - 2013-03-01

    I have a feeling your configured baseDN is going too deep and LDAP can not find the students

    Within the admin GUI of OpenRoom try to adjust - or perhaps shorten - your base DN OU=YourSchool_Users,DC=YourSchool,DC=edu

  • jkneip

    jkneip - 2013-03-02

    Thank once again. Pardon me for my ignorance about LDAP and Active Directory, but if I'm trying to include multiple OU's to figure out why our students cannot log in, do I need to arrange those OU's in a particular order? I believe our AD tree is like this: OU=Users, OU=People, OU=StudentGroups, OU=Students, OU=CurrentStudents. This is probably just reinforcing your point that I'm going too deep with my baseDN. My campus IT is obstinate and helpful, so I'm trying to determine the AD structure by fumbling around. Also trying to use some LDAP tools in my Win2k8 server to browse the directory structure of our LDAP server, w/o much success so far.

    Anyway, thanks for any input you can offer on constructing the correct order of OU's.


  • Lou Taris

    Lou Taris - 2013-03-04

    Tough call on the AD stuff.  Our IT guys are very helpful and I believe our AD environment is less complex than yours.

    but I do still believe your problem it still with the baseDN.

    did you try it with just?  OU=Users, OU=People

  • Rod Bustos

    Rod Bustos - 2013-03-12

    We are still struggling with getting the LDAP authentication working with AD and OpenRoom 1.4 on my campus.  I have updated the or-authenticate.php file with the recommended changes that were posted here.  However, when I access the login page for our OpenRoom installation, nothing happens when I enter my credentials and click the login button.  I am pasting the top portion of our or-authenticate file below - can anyone suggest any changes to get it to work?

    function AuthenticateUser($username, $password, $settings){
    $Host = $settings;
    $Host = "ldaps://" .$Host;
    $BaseDN = $settings;
    // check for empty username and password
    if(empty($username) || empty($password))
    throw new Exception("Username or password not supplied.", 0xb00b00);

    $connection = @ldap_connect($Host); // try to make a connection
    $binduser = "ourusername" //our additions
    $bind_pass = "ourpassword" //our additions
    $response_from_bind = @ ldap_bind($connection,$binduser,$bind_pass); //our additions

    // if a connection could not be made, throw an exception
    throw new Exception(sprintf("Unable to connect to host '%s'.", $Host), 0x5b);

    // search the Active Directory for username
    $result = @ldap_search($connection, $BaseDN, "sAMAccountname=" . $username);


  • Lou Taris

    Lou Taris - 2013-03-13

    Rod, it's weird that you don't get any error message. Can you double check to make sure you have ldap php extensions installed?

  • Rod Bustos

    Rod Bustos - 2013-03-14

    I was missing a semicolon at the end of one line of code.  Once I added that, I started getting an error message that says "Operations Error". 

    LDAP PHP extensions are definitely installed.  Thanks for any additional insight you may have.


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