
#122 Insert task in WBS or views other than GANTT only

Other (9)
Gord Finlay

It would be really useful to be able to use the Insert Task menu item or Ctrl-K to insert tasks in views other than the Gantt view. For instance, I am used to creating my initial WBS work breakdown in WBS view or in the CPM/PERT network view (this is similar to metaphor of physically creating a schedule using 3x5" index cards on a wall using MacTac or push-pins on a cork board).

Depending on the project, it can be better to get the team involved in brainstorming tasks and precedences this way (achieves buy-in) rather than just typing in tasks in GANTT view.


  • ShaneW

    ShaneW - 2009-12-08

    Great idea! We've already storied this for the PPM product, but either way the coding needs to be done in the applet. If anybody's up for this one, I'll fast track its release.

  • ShaneW

    ShaneW - 2009-12-08
    • labels: 991670 --> Other
    • priority: 5 --> 8
  • Theuns Dirkse van Schalkwyk

    If you allow import from the freemind tool to openproj then the user can use freemind interface to plan a work breakdown structure. This WBS structure can be identical to a parent-child structure.
    Alternatively Freemind could add an Export of your file type to their software. Both open source projects will benefit by users who currently use one of the two moving to use both.
    If you work together with Freemind developers then it might be the easiest approach to understand the file structures and devise a way that suits both for future plans? I will post this to Freemind as well.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Whole-heartedly agree. WBS is the foundation and the better the s/w can mimic the metaphor referred to by GF, the better all round. This collaborative approach is SO fundamental to developing a WBS (the single most important concept in PM), it is ripe for exploiting by Kinetic or similar where physical movement can be captured/interpreted by 'watching' software.


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