
#110 STLINK serial numbers with multiple adaptors on same PC

stlink (3)

OpenOCD 0.9.0 with STLINK does not handle serial numbers very well. These serial numbers are binary derived from an internal unique 96 bit CPU serial ID number.
They may contain 0x00 bytes WITHIN the serial numbers not only at the end of an ASCII string like other USB serial numbers. So using strncmp() as in OpenOCD code fails anyway by assuming that they are pure ASCII

The command hla_serial allows the user to define the serial numbers using escape sequences.
However the printing of the device serial numbers from within OpenOCD with debug level 3 does not allow the user to determine the correct string to enter into the hla_serial command. If you are French and using a French language Windows envirionment, for example, characters can be mapped so that it is impossible to determine the correct string to use ...

What I did was I changed the code, so that the serial number is printed out in the escaped form if a match is not found

as in attached patchfile.

While this may not be the best way to do it , it is useful

Here is a debug trace with my patch -

Line 259 shows usual STLINK junk serial number - this is the user input from hla_serial command..
Line 260,261 shows diagnostics from opening each device.

It can be seen from this that the correct commands are

"hla_serial S?r\x06exUU\x128\x04g"
for the first adapter and
"hla_serial S?p\x06exUUR7\x18g"
for the second adapter

In my example I deliberately garbled the hla_serial argument to make it enumerate all the serial numbers.

Debug: 258 104 stlink_usb.c:1602 stlink_usb_open(): stlink_usb_open
Debug: 259 104 stlink_usb.c:1619 stlink_usb_open(): transport: 1 vid: 0x0483 pid: 0x3748 serial: Sa?pexUUR7g
Debug: 260 160 libusb1_common.c:111 string_descriptor_equal(): Device serial number 'S?r\x06exUU\x128\x04g' doesn't match requested serial 'Sa?p\x06exUUR7\x18'
Debug: 261 162 libusb1_common.c:111 string_descriptor_equal(): Device serial number 'S?p\x06exUUR7\x18g' doesn't match requested serial 'Sa?p\x06exUUR7\x18'
Error: 262 163 stlink_usb.c:1632 stlink_usb_open(): open failed

1 Attachments


Tickets: #110


  • Paul Fertser

    Paul Fertser - 2015-10-21

    Hello Michael,

    Please see and leave feedback
    there. It should cover your usecase, hopefully.

    Be free, use free ( software!

    • Alain Mouette

      Alain Mouette - 2015-10-21

      Hi Paul,

      Do you have any idea how to cope with the same problem in VirtualBox (on

      If I set the STLink in the USB filter to be allways available, the next
      time I run VirtualBox the VM is invalid, it shows an erro about "invalid
      After some time I discovered that I can edit the .vbox file and remove
      the line with the STLink device and fix it.


      On 21-10-2015 16:16, Paul Fertser wrote:

      Hello Michael,

      Please see and leave feedback
      there. It should cover your usecase, hopefully.

      Be free, use free ( software!

      [tickets:#110] STLINK
      serial numbers with multiple adaptors on same PC

      Status: new
      Milestone: 0.9.0
      Labels: stlink
      Created: Wed Oct 21, 2015 12:39 PM UTC by Michael James
      Last Updated: Wed Oct 21, 2015 12:39 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      OpenOCD 0.9.0 with STLINK does not handle serial numbers very well.
      These serial numbers are binary derived from an internal unique 96 bit
      CPU serial ID number.
      They may contain 0x00 bytes WITHIN the serial numbers not only at the
      end of an ASCII string like other USB serial numbers. So using
      strncmp() as in OpenOCD code fails anyway by assuming that they are
      pure ASCII

      The command hla_serial allows the user to define the serial numbers
      using escape sequences.
      However the printing of the device serial numbers from within OpenOCD
      with debug level 3 does not allow the user to determine the correct
      string to enter into the hla_serial command. If you are French and
      using a French language Windows envirionment, for example, characters
      can be mapped so that it is impossible to determine the correct string
      to use ...

      What I did was I changed the code, so that the serial number is
      printed out in the escaped form if a match is not found

      as in attached patchfile.

      While this may not be the best way to do it , it is useful

      Here is a debug trace with my patch -

      Line 259 shows usual STLINK junk serial number - this is the user
      input from hla_serial command..
      Line 260,261 shows diagnostics from opening each device.

      It can be seen from this that the correct commands are

      "hla_serial S?r\x06exUU\x128\x04g"
      for the first adapter and
      "hla_serial S?p\x06exUUR7\x18g"
      for the second adapter

      In my example I deliberately garbled the hla_serial argument to make
      it enumerate all the serial numbers.

      Debug: 258 104 stlink_usb.c:1602 stlink_usb_open(): stlink_usb_open
      Debug: 259 104 stlink_usb.c:1619 stlink_usb_open(): transport: 1 vid:
      0x0483 pid: 0x3748 serial: Sa?pexUUR7g
      Debug: 260 160 libusb1_common.c:111 string_descriptor_equal(): Device
      serial number 'S?r\x06exUU\x128\x04g' doesn't match requested serial
      Debug: 261 162 libusb1_common.c:111 string_descriptor_equal(): Device
      serial number 'S?p\x06exUUR7\x18g' doesn't match requested serial
      Error: 262 163 stlink_usb.c:1632 stlink_usb_open(): open failed

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      Tickets: #110

  • Spencer Oliver

    Spencer Oliver - 2018-11-30
    • status: new --> closed
  • Spencer Oliver

    Spencer Oliver - 2018-11-30

    closed due to no recent activity - please reopen if this is still an issue.


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