
obexftp perl/python broken get method

  • heidi_

    heidi_ - 2006-10-20

    on first sorry for my Eanglish

    I have problem witch perl & python bindings
    get method is broken when i tray to get some files
    i get only "˙Ř˙ŕ"
    some exemplary scripts:


    use warnings;
    use strict;
    use OBEXFTP;

    my $cli = new OBEXFTP::client($OBEXFTP::BLUETOOTH);

    my $ret = $cli->connect("00:16:B8:30:CF:7F", 6);
    print "connected\n" if $ret;

    $ret = $cli->list("/");
    print "$ret\n";
    sleep 2;

    print "getting file\n";
    $ret = $cli->get_capability("/Obrazki/alien.jpg");
    print "$ret\n";
    # i get only "˙Ř˙ŕ" and noting is written on disk (telephone is sending file)

    $ret = $cli->disconnect();
    print "$ret\n";


    and python


    import obexftp

    cli = obexftp.client(obexftp.BLUETOOTH)

    print cli.connect("00:16:B8:30:CF:7F", 6)

    print cli.list("/")

    print cli.get("/Obrazki/alien.jpg")

    print cli.disconnect()


    • Christian W. Zuckschwerdt

      The Perl binding is a little shaky. Also the call should be $cli->get not $cli->get_capability
      Can you check if the file is there with $cli->list("/Obrazki"), please?

      The Python binding works fine here. Please also try

      Are you going to code a complete application with one of the bindings? This would be exciting, please mail me. If you are trying to just get some files from the phone, try the obexftp app.

      • heidi_

        heidi_ - 2006-10-21

        >The Perl binding is a little shaky. Also the call should be $cli->get not $cli->get_capability

        I have inserted bad versions :)
        >Can you check if the file is there with $cli->list("/Obrazki"), please?
        yes file is threr

        > Are you going to code a complete application with one of the bindings?
        yes ,exactly two :)


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