
Product Question

  • jleo

    jleo - 2010-12-03

    Is is possible for this product (installed to a linux based system that uses sendmail) to archive any emails that do not originate from the system? I'm looking for a way to relay mail for a domain, and have that email archived even though the destination may reside on a separate system (ie: Google Mail)?

  • mike gruffin

    mike gruffin - 2012-03-29

    How does one get an answer to questions about this product?  I see no option to ASK quesitons only read those already asked by others

    During testing I have had numerous issues which I cannot find easy reference to resolve.  While the program is functional and does a great job, this is only as long as you trust what you think might be in there.  I believe the issues may be related to importing old pst files to be added to the archive.  while this function does appear to work, there is no indication of success or failure as the "process window" is simply labeled that the process will continue even if the window is closed.  I have never seen a single time that the process succeeded or failed or was completed or not.  since we have all out mail for several years help in pst files of various names, sizes  etc. the biggest job is going to be adding the previous mail to the current mail.  While archiva seems to do a wonderful job "going forward" it is nearly impossible to tell if I have successfully added any past email and that is an absolute necessity for the program to be of any use to us. 

    Additionally, in one test of a search, the data was presented in a disorganized fashion, with the wrong data in the wrong fields.  even after repeating the search, same results.  Some of the data from that search was correct while some was not.  I do not know what this indicates which is my other complaint.. 

    I cannot find any way to ask even the simplest questions of anyone short of going through this forum.  Which may be great for some things but won't work for a quick analysis of whether to purchase or not.
    Also I am unable to determine what the price would be since I can only tell you the number of current mailboxes and don't know what happens when importing history.  Mail to people who no longer work there is combined with mail of people who took their place.  Our total number of users has not increased but if counting people who are no longer there plus the people who took their place, over a 3 year span that is going to be a problem.  Is here a limit of any kind to the number of emails the program can handle?  If loaded on a 2 TB harddrive, (or any size for that matter) Is there any kind of number or size limit where we need to create new volumes?  To be of best use, it would need to be able to handle at least 3 years running for legal requirements without having to add new volumes unless searches can automatically span the required volumes.

    So in the end, the biggest problem is inability to get firm replies to questions about price, problems with use, and the "why did it do that and what to do about it" kind of thing.  I am sure there is great potential and the speed with which is performs the searches is amazing.  But until I can be certain that it is correctly indexing everything I cannot make a purchase decision nor recommend one to anyone.

    By the way, I should mention here that we tried a re-index and that was a bad idea.  As soon as we did, the number of recorded documents dropped by 80%.  I do not know what happened or where they went and I cannot find out.  All I can do is reimport all the pst's again.  Which brings me to the issue of duplication and how it is handled.  But that is part of the main problem of nobody seems to know the answer to these questions and be able to show me that their answer is correct. 
    I wish I could say it was a 100% success as it would be a great tool but without the ability to know these things and check them, we are left with our old method of backed up pst files which really cannot be searched in any easily usable way.


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