
Issues to deploy / How to deploy (WSDL)

  • Stephan

    Stephan - 2015-10-15


    I have create a new project in the webStudio demo with a Excel Sheet with java methods with my own jar. My Excel is validated in the webStudio editor.

    Now I want to deploy this project so I create a rules-deploy.xml that I put in "apache-tomcat-7.0.40\bin\openl-demo\user-workspace\DEFAULT\MyNewProject - Test TemplateRules":

    <serviceName>MyNewProject - test TemplateRules</serviceName>

    The "org.openl.rules.Wrapper" is the interface generated from the excel.

    I have create a new "Deploy configurations", then I go in "Projects to deploy", my new project is not in the list of projects to add!

    What I have missed? I was under the impression the WSDL would be generated from the "Wrapper".

    Thanks for your help!

  • Stephan

    Stephan - 2015-10-18

    Anyone? any tips?

  • Stephan

    Stephan - 2015-10-19

    ok I found out the solution

  • Shruthi Sheshagiri

    what was the solution?
    I am facing same issue now!

  • OpenL Tablets

    OpenL Tablets - 2018-05-21

    Hi Shruthi,

    Could you provide more information?
    The project you are deploying.
    Java version
    OpenL version
    Operation System (Windows/Linux or something else)
    * Log files from RuleService WS.

    How did you configure WebStudio and RuleService? The common mistake is the different locations of the Deployment repository. The repository configs must be equal in RuleService and WebStudio.
    Also, if the project is not appears in the WebServices it means that the project has errors. You can also see these errors in the WebStudio editor.


  • Shruthi Sheshagiri

    Hi Yury,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I have downloaded demo application from openL site!, I have pointed the deployment repository to local with D.../users/..../.openl/deployement-repository path.

    I created a project and deployed, it gives me successfull message, after that if i check webservice I wont see anything apart from one already example-3 available!!!

    Also I tried updating values of example 3 and deploy and I wont be able to see any value updated in webservice end!!!

    Please help me to understand whole process of creating a project in webservice and successfully make it avaiable on webservice section.

    please help me, its required very urgently !

  • OpenL Tablets

    OpenL Tablets - 2018-05-23

    Hi Shruthi,

    The DEMO application does not use user's home directory.

    In case using webservice.war and webstudio.war they must be configured for using the same instance of Deployment repository to be able sync rules from WebStudio to RuleService. The example of you can find inside the DEMO application.

    Please, verify also, that is absent in other locations, because they can override configuration inside applications.


  • Shruthi Sheshagiri

    Hi Yury,

    I tried installed webstudio and webservice on my local with local datasource path.

    But Thing is when I change any rule and do deploy from webstudio, I wont see any deployment has happened!!(even thought it gives me successfull message).

    So I tried directly copying the project from workspace into datasource path, and I was able to see the service available on webservices link!.

    But When I update any rule directly in EXcel and save it in from datasource path(or update via webstudio and deploy and copy the updated_project from workspace into datasource path) I wont see any update in my webservice which is already running.
    If I restart the server on which webservice is running, only then I am able to see that updated-changes to my rule!!

    Please help me!
    (Is it like for every rule update, should the webservice should be restarted????)
    If not please provide me proper steps to build a project from webstudio and see the webservice and update the rule on webstudio and see the latest updates reflected in webservices!!!

    Please help need this work urgently!!

  • OpenL Tablets

    OpenL Tablets - 2018-05-28

    1) local datasource (repository) type does not support hot redeploy of rules.
    /rules-deploy and /openl-ruleservice/datasource folders are used as temporary folders and is not used for redeploying.
    2) To enable hot redeploying it needs to use Database (plain JDBC) repository for both WebStudio and WebService.

    WebStudio in ADMIN | Repository tab:
    Name: MyDeployBase
    Type: Database (plain JDBC)

    WebService in file :
    ruleservice.datasource.type = jcr
    production-repository.factory = org.openl.rules.repository.db.JdbcDBRepositoryFactory
    production-repository.uri = jdbc:h2:D:/repo;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=20

    Be sure that H2 Database driver exists in the application classpath. For Tomcat is lib folder.


    Last edit: OpenL Tablets 2018-05-30
  • Shruthi Sheshagiri

    Thanks Yury!! This worked for me !!

  • Bangaru Samanuri

    Hi I am facing same issue. I followed the steps as mentioned above . but still same isuue.
    please help.

  • OpenL Tablets

    OpenL Tablets - 2019-05-20

    Hi Bangaru,

    Could you provide more information?
    OpenL version
    Your configuration
    * Log files



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