
Install Schema - doesn't!

Big Al
  • Big Al

    Big Al - 2004-10-05

    I have gone through the motions, I have other php apps working with MySQL on my WinXP Pro laptop. I have installed pear with its dependancies and installed DB and html_tables. Using tools/setup.php I get to Install Schema but it does not install the schema and I get no messages to give any clue what is happening.

    Where can I start? (I have assumed a certain level of information based on the Install Shema screen appearing)

    • Michael Schurter

      Sorry that the setup.php script is so minimal at this point.  It's very hard to maintain since I have to install a fresh copy of OpenIT to test it thoroughly (time time time..).

      At any rate, does WinXP give you any log files to look at?  There should be an error message (perhaps just a notice or warning) somewhere!

      Have you setup an empty database & a MySQL user for OpenIT to use?
      Have you entered the correct settings in inc/settings.ini?

    • Big Al

      Big Al - 2004-10-06

      Nope, no messages anywhere. the table exists, the user exists with all privilages, the settings.ini is OK.

      Pear was installed with dependancies. DB and html_tables installed. Path was added.

      It is curious because I hit the install schema button and nothing at all happens. When I try to log in to openit is does come up and say the tables are missing so I assume Pear is getting to MySQL.

    • Michael Schurter

      I need some details to help you further:
      OS, MySQL version, PHP version

      And could you list the tables present (if any) in your OpenIT database?  I'm wondering if the setup script bombed halfway through.

      • wdmenzie

        wdmenzie - 2004-10-07

        One solution would be to run the SQL statements in the setup script manually.  If you have PHPMyAdmin installed it is relatively easy to open the database, and copy and paste the SQL statements from the script into the "Run SQL query" box located under the SQL tab.  This should allow you to create the needed database structure to run OpenIT.

    • ivanmarsh

      ivanmarsh - 2004-10-12

      I just spent a couple of hours screwing with this and wouldn't want anyone else to have to do the same.

      I don't know if it answers the above question but I was getting access denied messages while trying to create the schema with an account I knew had the correct access rights, that I could log into my mysql server with from anywhere.

      The problem was that the password had an ! in it. It must not have been parsed correctly by setup.php. Once I removed the ! schema creation worked fine.

    • Big Al

      Big Al - 2004-10-13

      I mis-stated above, i meant to say the database exists but the tables won't create.

      So I have been working on another project and ended up using that to install openIT on a Fedora box. It works, sort of. I did look around for other projects doing the same thing but found most were stagnent and not really working on moving forward. This one appears to be the most progressive at this point, let's hope it continues. It does raise the question, when is the next release? I was looking at the CVS and found a huge portion of the project has changed. I am looking forward to it to try and re-deploy this, perhaps resolving some other persistant issues.

      • Michael Schurter

        There has been a lot of work done since the last release!  I'm in the process of polishing it up, and if all goes well there should be a new release by the end of this week.

        It may be a beta release though as we've started converting the backend to use DataObjects, but the transition isn't complete.  I'm working through some bugs right now, so people desiring a completely stable production release may have to wait.

        Major features in upcoming release:
        - Authentication via Active Directory (LDAP) thanks to Dan!
        - You can finally edit Campuses, Departments, etc. thanks to Aaron!
        - Lots of translation improvements (thanks to Joan for the Spanish & Catalan translations!)

        • james mcdonald

          james mcdonald - 2004-10-13

          You should put this on the home page as a teaser for the next release... It piqued my interest that AD authentication support is going to be available... One thing that gives me the irits about a lot of web apps... they don't provide a method to integrate the application into a Single Sign On environment... But you developers of  OpenIT are giving this to us and I would really like to thank you for that... As an aside the web interface looks neat and highly functional which makes it a lot more palatable for people that require a 'look's just like a bought one' application.

          Good work!

          <INSERT_TO_HOME_PAGE :)>
          There has been a lot of work done since the last release! I'm in the process of polishing it up, and if all goes well there should be a new release by the end of this week.

          It may be a beta release though as we've started converting the backend to use DataObjects, but the transition isn't complete. I'm working through some bugs right now, so people desiring a completely stable production release may have to wait.

          Major features in upcoming release:
          - Authentication via Active Directory (LDAP) thanks to Dan!
          - You can finally edit Campuses, Departments, etc. thanks to Aaron!
          - Lots of translation improvements (thanks to Joan for the Spanish & Catalan translations!)
          </INSERT_TO_HOME_PAGE :)>

    • Big Al

      Big Al - 2004-10-14

      I'm haven't figured out how Campus would fit into anyones scheme of things except a uni, is there a alternative expressions or method of removal? I would like the location made a drop down like Campus (or even replace campus).

      Is there any thought about inventory? Having Computers (w laptops) and Printers only is way too limiting. Can this be rolled into a more generic inventory so that I can include peripherals, networking gear, phones, etc? Perhaps when setting up an equipment catagory there can be an indicator if the gear has software and/or firmware.

      • Michael Schurter

        While the word Campus is often associated with universities, it is also used to describe an organizations various locations.  For instance a business could have a Chicago Campus & a Denver Campus.

        If you don't like the word campus, you can change all the descriptions in the inc/lang/en-US.php file.

        I unsderstand the current inventory method is limited, but until we replace the existing backend with a more extensible one (DataObjects) don't expect any drastic schema changes.


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