
Help with inital setup

  • Shawyn Leininger

    ok I'm new to all of this, but I'm trying to set this up anyway. Could someone please explain to me exactly what goes in the "db_type" field of the:

    database        = db_type://username:password@host/db_name

    I keep getting: Error 500-Internal server error messages. and it's the only thing I am not sure exactly what it wants to know.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-03-14

    That would be the database engine you've select to store your data - mysql for example.

  • Shawyn Leininger

    so do i need to use the version, like 5.0 or is just mysql ok?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-03-14

    Nope, just the back-end database type as supported by Pear::DB -

    so mysql:// or pgsql://  etc

    Have you got PHP, Pear and everything else in the prerequisites installed? Is you database initialized and running?

  • Shawyn Leininger

    PHP, and MySQL are there, the database has been created and is ready to be formetted (for lack of a better description) with the but it is still giving me the error 500.

  • Nick Vrtis

    Nick Vrtis - 2010-03-18

    Sometimes error 500 is caused by a permissions problem with the files.  I don't know how you uploaded the files, of how your server is set up.  But I have run across servers that will not execute a php file that has world writable permissions (777) and/or the owner is not the correct owner for the user that Apache is running as when it tries to load the php file.

  • Shawyn Leininger

    ok, I was able to us the setup script from the downloads page to set up the database, but after giving time for things to propagate, I still have the error, any suggestions?

  • Stephen Trigg

    Stephen Trigg - 2010-03-19

    Have you actually checked you web-server (apache?) logs to determine the cause of the error?

  • Shawyn Leininger

    Ummm no. I'll do that now. I am using an outsourced shared hosting package from 1and1.  I just realized I scratched it all last night and need to rewrite the setup.ini file, I'll let u know how that goes!

  • Shawyn Leininger

    after the database location pwrd etc, do i need to change anything to refelct the location of those file? Thank you for you patience with me!

  • Stephen Trigg

    Stephen Trigg - 2010-03-19

    500 is an internal server error. Almost certainly means either the script cannot be run or is crashing. Since the script is functional (unless you've manually edited it) then either your server is not configured to run the script or one of the scripts pre-requisites is not met. The best thing you can do is get the error logs to see the source of the error. Then you can worry about the various components: Is PHP installed properly? The PHP modules for your webserver? Is it configured to execute php scripts? Is the directory in which you placed your scripts executable? Do you have the DB requisites PHP-Pear, PHP-mysql etc. Are the paths to those modules correctly configured?

  • Dowdy

    Dowdy - 2010-03-19

    I had forgotten that I was still on the OpenIT subscription.  But I can help as well if you can supply me with some information…

    What Operating system are you using?

    Linux (Centos, ubuntu, redhad, suse, ClearOS?)
    Microsoft (2000, XP, vista, win7)
    are you using Xampp or Lamp for either version?
    PHP version 5.4?

    this information will help in determining what is making the script fault out and crash.

    I found that the easiest way to install any application like this for at least testing puposes is to start off by using WinXP and Xampp.  Xampp or Lamp application has everything you need pre built and configured to run these application.  Windows enviroment running Xampp or Lamp does not handle file rights priviledges (ACL) strong as Linux, which tends to keep some configuration files from being modified, and crashing the installation scripts.


  • Dowdy

    Dowdy - 2010-03-19

    Don't misunderstand I am a huge advocate of Linux, but it still not ready for the beginner under a production system enviroment.  However, I would suggest if you have decided to go linux, I would use the Centos/Lamp enviroment or the Ubuntu/Xampp combination for Production systems.  I would also suggest if you are new to linux to ensure a gui interface is installed on the server so it will make it easier to modify file configurations, and assign needed rights to folders…

    Otherwise some of the needed linux commands (like dos commands)  you should be very familiar with is…
    Nano (like a dos editor)
    Shutdown (extensions let you restart from command line)
    apt or apt-get or yum (depending on the OS version)

    These should get you where you want to start in the linux server world.

  • Shawyn Leininger

    ok so the location fo the files for :

    schema_location = /var/www/htdocs/openit/inc/schema
    class_location  = /var/www/htdocs/openit/inc/classes

    Just ot be sure, these should point to the web address of those folders, correct?


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