
jopenit installation inquiries

  • Mars

    Mars - 2006-11-11


    Can anyone help me on the installation of jopenit ticketing system, please!!!! I had already installed it and the database/schema of the software is already defined(jopenit) with MySQL version 5.0.24a-community-nt RDBMS. All the tables are also defined, however it is still empty. I already defined its java home path on my local machine.

    The dos batch file had been created:
    set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_09\ cd jakarta-tomcat-5.5.7\bin

    I still cannot use the application.

    • Nick Vrtis

      Nick Vrtis - 2006-11-11


      This message should probably be posted on the JopenIT forum.  From your description, it is difficult to determine if you have a tomcat problem, or an openIT problem.  When you say you cannot use that application, can you be a little more specific?  Do you get the initial OpenIT screen?  Do you get a page not found?  A database error?

    • Mars

      Mars - 2006-11-11

      Hi Nick,

      Thank you for taking the time to read I appreciate it.

      I did not get any initial screen from jopenit. I had done DSN from ODBC - but I still don't know if it is right, I configured the MySQL database and the schema is already defined (jopenit), the tables with its fields were all setup.

      I really wanted to set this up, my boss assigned me to do this. I still didn't get any GUI from this application. Please Advise.


      • Nick Vrtis

        Nick Vrtis - 2006-11-11


        You really should post this message on the jopenit forum.  While they both have a common database structure, the code is quite different.  And the problems setting things up is also quite different.

        I am not very familiar with Tomcat.  I did manage to get it running once, but never used it much.

        Are you sure that you have a working Tomcat environment?  Can you get the Tomcat sample pages to load?

        Is there some reason that your boss wants you to use the Java version and not the PHP version?



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