
OpenIPMP / News: Recent posts

v2 of OpenIPMP Released; adds OMA, ISMAcryp, and MPEG-2

OpenIPMP announces the release of OpenIPMP v2, a major upgrade to the leading open-source and open-standards based DRM (Digital Rights Management) system originally released in 2002.

The OpenIPMP project aims to provide the development community with interoperable DRM software that can be easily ported to any platform (including Windows, Mac, Linux and embedded platforms).

Unlike the proprietary DRM solutions, OpenIPMP's interoperable DRM design adheres to a variety of open standards, including OMA (Open Mobile Alliance) v2 DRM specifications, ISMA encryption / DRM signaling specifications for MPEG-4 streaming and local playback (ISMAcryp), and MPEG’s IPMP specifications for MPEG-2 and MPEG-4.... read more

Posted by Craig Miller 2006-06-19

New OpenIPMP Release Adds Support for MPEG-REL

OpenIPMP, the first open-source and open-standards based DRM (Digital Rights Management) system, has released a new version of the project that includes support for the forthcoming industry standard rights expression language, MPEG-REL.

MPEG-REL, based on ContentGuard's XrML (eXtensible rights Markup Language), is expected to be released as an ISO Standard later this year (as a part of the MPEG-21 initiative). Widespread adoption of MPEG-REL will allow seamless distribution of digital works between the diverse range of parties involved in digital content creation, distribution and consumption. ... read more

Posted by Craig Miller 2003-05-20

OpenIPMP Plug-in Model

OpenIPMP has released a plug-in model for openIPMP that implements the COM linkage specification (please read the notes for why we chose the COM convention). Please download and review the interface code because we'd like to begin porting to the latest version of MPEG4IP.

Posted by chris mollis 2003-03-06

OpenIPMP Releases First Open-Source Open-Standard DRM System

OpenIPMP, the first open-source and open-standards based DRM (Digital Rights Management) system, has been released to the development community in an effort to promote an open-standards based Intellectual Property Management and Protection (IPMP) scheme for MPEG-4 audio and video content.

This release occurs amid several recent announcements from Microsoft, Sony, Real Networks, MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group), ISMA (Internet Streaming Media Alliance) and others regarding the future of DRM and the digital distribution of content.... read more

Posted by Craig Miller 2003-02-04

Win32 GUI Audio/Video Demo Release

We've release another demo.. this time integrating video and the Win32 GUI.

Posted by chris mollis 2002-08-18

Early Demo Released

Project OpenIPMP has released its first demo.

This demo is a very simple "Black Box" (i.e. binary only) demonstration of the OpenIPMP "proof of concept". A Win32 console executable that plays an MPEG-4 media file that has been secured (encrypted media samples with an MPEG-4 "Hooks" compliant IPI dataset). XRML-based "license" or "user entitlements" data is contained in a secure local PKCS12 file.

Posted by Craig Miller 2002-06-17

OpenIPMP Joins Forces with MOSES

The Objectlab team - responsible for developing OpenIPMP - attended the May meeting of the MOSES consortium. At this meeting, MOSES and Objectlab have agreed to include a variety of components from the OpenIPMP project in the overall MOSES trials that will be developed over the next 2 years.

For more information about the MOSES project, go to:

Posted by Craig Miller 2002-06-17