
How Geozone Works?

  • Renato Beltran

    Renato Beltran - 2010-01-30

    Hi, i´ve developed my own device based on a Microcontroler and a SIMCOM module, my GTSDMTP server is working, and listen all data in 25xxx port TCP. Everithing is ok, i can enter in my account and i see my pushpins in the map. However, in my account page i´ve created a Geozone, and i need that when my Device sends position and this is entering in that Geozone, the server email me with an alert for Arrive or Departure status for this Geofence. I can send email´s from my account with reports buy i dont know how to make this feature. Thanks for all and for this greatful software.

  • Eduardo Robles

    Eduardo Robles - 2010-01-30

    Hi Renato,

    Cool that you have developed your own AVL device!

    As for the Geozone-triggered email notifications, you will need to implement a RuleFactory and create a rule so every time that an event is coming from the device, the geopoint is checked to see if it is inside a Geozone or not.

    Look for RuleFactory in the forum to get more information about how to implement it, and take a look in the /src/org/opengts/db/ to see how a rule looks like. There is even an example of email notification sending.


  • Renato Beltran

    Renato Beltran - 2010-01-30

    Thanks Eduardo for your help!.
    See, i had had to edit StartupInit.Java and enable this:

    Device.setRuleFactory(new RuleFactoryExample());  by uncomment "//" characters. I compiled, "ant track", and refresh my apache.

    Now i see in Geozone Settings (Web), two checkbox "Departure Zone" and "Arrive Zone". then i did check them, but when my device enter or exit from this geozone, nothing happens!. My device receive only:


    Also, i think that when a Geozone is achieved server sends CODES to the device. Is it right? or a possibility?

    Example of this application:
    I set a geofence "XX", my device is inside this geofence, and when my device Exit, first, send an alert to the notification email for the account, and also send a CODE to the device, my device Process this code and play an alarm or turn off my motor.



  • Renato Beltran

    Renato Beltran - 2010-01-30

    Hi, in my device page i see this now:

    Enable Notification (Selector)
    Notification email:
    Notification rules:   what is this for?
    Notification reference: ??????
    Notification Message:  Text attached i think to my event.
    Notification Envelop: (See tag 'EventNotificationEMail' en 'private.xml')

    But when i try to save data, enabling notification, put my email notification, it doesn´t save anything.  Why???
    Im still not reveive any email alert.

  • sam

    sam - 2010-03-20


    This is sam  from India I have installed OpenGTS i can see pushpin for device gc101 sanav but i have another device module simcom gl101 or simcom 300d GSM/GPRS, how to set up .

    for gc101 sanav i configured readme file in gc101 ,please help me how to config device simcom.


  • Eduardo Robles

    Eduardo Robles - 2010-03-20

    @ Sam,

    I have seen your post in three different threads in this forum. Please DO NOT DO THAT! It just pollutes the forum.
    I am not sure, but I believe that simcom is just the GSM/GPRS module of a tracker device. A good Google session may help you.

    @ Renato:
    Even if you have well configured the Geozones page, you won't be able to receive any notification if you do not have installed a RulesFactory that takes care of evaluating the events and triggering the different actions. (email sending, for instance).
    There is Rule Factory example in /src/org/opengts/ that you may use a starting point to work out your own rules.
    There are quite a few threads here that will help you in the process.


  • Eduardo Robles

    Eduardo Robles - 2010-03-20

    @ Sam,
    Just googling a bit, I found that the gl-101 SIMCOM based tracker is also named  "Enduro", "Spark Nano", amoung other names. That may help you to find more info about it.

  • pss78

    pss78 - 2010-03-20


    I have documentation for help you. Contact

  • TEFAL Farid

    TEFAL Farid - 2010-09-22

    Hello all,

    I'm trying to configure email notifications for geofence. I know that I need to configure rulesfactory but I'm not a java developper and I need help. Is there a tutorial to create a rule for geofencing email notification?

    Thank you for your help.

  • Ravindra

    Ravindra - 2016-03-17

    Hi newby here,

    I am trying to understand the org/opengts/db/tables/Geozone table, can anyone show me the way how to analyse this for MINIMUM/MAXIMUM BOUND calculation for valid geopoint in case of circle.
    If any document to get flow of coding its really add-on.

    Thank you


    Last edit: Ravindra 2016-03-17

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