
Reverse geocoding (yes, again)

Pach Ugo
  • Pach Ugo

    Pach Ugo - 2016-10-23

    Hi, using 2.6.3 here.
    I setup GoogleV3 reverse geocoding. The command line test gives me back the full detail address, so I suppose private.xml is ok.
    The user has FULL in its geocode properies, privatelabel is DEFAULT (the same when using *)
    App was recompile, redeployed, tomcat restarted. I can see other changes I made so I'm sure I'm using the latest config. I have "address" field in the database, EventData.AddressFieldInfo was set to true.
    Positions are being recorded but address is always blank (I understand older position will remain blank).
    Reverse geocoding is NOT performed in any way. No trace of geosomething in the log. It seems I'm missing some "master switch" somewhere.
    I read all the docs and threads with no success. Most people stop at configuring the provider, but I have it working...
    Any ideas?

  • Flavio Ferreira

    Flavio Ferreira - 2017-01-25

    Hi, I have installed my own reverse-geocoder provider (Nominatim). Is running very well. I think you needs install your own server, this is my idea! send me your email and i send to you the steps if you prefer.


    Last edit: Flavio Ferreira 2017-01-25

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