
OpenGatekeeper / News: Recent posts

Gatekeeper Routed Calls

Version 0.5alpha0 has just been released. This version supports Gatekeeper Routed Calls.



Posted by Ashley Unitt 2000-04-12

FreeBSD support

Many thanks to Roger Hardiman for checking that OpenGate runs successfully under FreeBSD.

Posted by Ashley Unitt 2000-04-05

Stronger, faster, better

Okay, well it's not faster (yet!) but we are rapidly moving to something that is a lot more robust. Hopefully the latest version of OpenGate should play happily with a lot more things and we can move on to adding more functionality.

Have fun!


Posted by Ashley Unitt 2000-03-23

Windows now working

The latest version now supports Windows and I've fixed the problems with not always replying to the correct RAS address.



Posted by Ashley Unitt 2000-02-27

Better Gateway support and improved logging

I've just checked some changes into CVS version.

This version now supports reading parameters from the configuration file, improved logging and improved support for Gateways.

Posted by Ashley Unitt 2000-02-15

Initial code is here!

I have just uploaded the initial version of the code to CVS. Please take a look if you are interested.

There should be more news later this week!


Posted by Ashley Unitt 2000-02-01

Coming soon!

I'm putting together the last changes I want to make to the code before going for an initial release.

Please come back soon and we'll have a lot more things for you to see!

Posted by Ashley Unitt 2000-01-31