I am facing an error when using the sonicTurbDyMEngineFoam solver in foam-extend-3.2 for an internal combustion engine simulation.
I am using the tutorial posted by Jasak for OpenFOAM-1.6-ext (engine simulation with mesh motion and topological changes), with a small modification in the constant/dynamicMeshDict to account for the new name of the motion solver (laplace instead of laplaceFaceDecomposition). The tutorial runs smoothly using OpenFOAM-1.6-ext.
To facilitate, the tutorial modified for foam-extend-3.2 is attached.
When I need to reread the mesh (when restarting the simulation or converting the results using foamToVTK), I got a Floating Point Exception when reading the U field. I inspected the files but found no reason to this behavior.
Comparing the solvers from 1.6-ext and 3.2, there is a change in the way the dynamic mesh is treated. In 1.6-ext, using dynamicFvMesh (#include createDynamicFvMesh.H). In 3.2, using engineTopoChangerMesh (#include createEngineDynamicMesh.H). However, it is difficult to me to pinpoint the difference between these approaches.
I tested also with foam-extend-4.0, with the same problems.