
#8 Ability to search by more then the patient's last name.

General (37)

Searching for a patient only by their last name is very

It would be nice to add the ability to search by any
patient demographic, somewhat like FreeMED has.

First name, DOB, address, city, state, zip....ect...


  • Scott S. Jones

    Scott S. Jones - 2005-06-30

    Logged In: YES

    I agree. Sometimes I will want to follow up with a patient,
    and can only remember a first name, or the person or group
    that referred them. Sometimes I know where they live, their
    street number. Taken further, if all i have is their
    telephone number, or if my Caller ID picks up a number I
    don't recognize, openemr should allow a search on any of
    these, and other data. How about for primary diagnosis or
    any diagnosis, and be presented with a list of patients with
    condition x, y or z.

    Taken a bit further, I think ever data field should be
    searchable. I am used to entering patient notes in a large
    contiguous file on each patient, and would like to search
    through all patient notes fields for the word "headache" for

  • Rod Roark

    Rod Roark - 2005-10-31

    Logged In: YES

    By the way you can now search by "lastname, firstname". So
    at least if you're looking for someone named Smith you
    don't have to scroll through an insanely long list.

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2010-02-14
    • status: open --> closed
  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2010-02-14

    outdated. this function now exists.


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