
OEMR Board Meeting - Wednesday November 9, 2016

  • Stephen Waite

    Stephen Waite - 2016-11-01

    Here are the financials, I hope to have a written report to upload too. Cheers.


    Last edit: Stephen Waite 2016-11-06
  • Robert Down

    Robert Down - 2016-11-02

    I know the agenda has not been published yet, but I'd like to add "Discussing OSI Affiliate Membership" to the New Business section.

  • BlueEHS

    BlueEHS - 2016-11-08


    Here is the Agenda for November 9, 2016 OEMR Board Meeting:

    1. Call to Order

    2. Approval of Minutes
      -October 12, 2016 Board Meeting.

    3. Financial Report

    4. MU2 Report

    5. Unfinished Business
      -Revocation status.
      -OpenEMR registration project.
      -Conference outreach.
      -Raising funds.

    6. New Business
      -Discuss OSI Affiliate Membership.

    7. Next Meeting on November 9, 2016.

    8. Adjourn Meeting

    Thanks and regards
    Shameem C Hameed
    ZH Healthcare

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2016-11-09

    MU2 Report:
    (last updated on 11/9/16)
    (aka. 2014 ONC Ambulatory EHR Certification)

    Completed items in the interim:
    a3 - Demographics: COMPLETED
    a5 - Problem list: COMPLETED
    a12 - Image results: COMPLETED
    a14 - Patient list creation: COMPLETED
    b2 - Transitions of care: COMPLETED
    d2 - Auditable events and tamper-resistance: COMPLETED
    d3 - Audit report(s): COMPLETED
    d8. - Integrity: COMPLETED
    e2. Clinical summaries: COMPLETED
    g3 - Safety-enhanced design: COMPLETED
    (thanks to both Visolve and ZH Healthcare for completed the above items so quickly!)

    Remaining items:
    b7 - Data portability:
    ZH Healthcare to test this week. Estimated completion time of 1 week.

    e1. View, download, and transmit to 3rd party:
    Passed testing and only awaiting a paper report by ZH Healthcare. Estimated completion time of 1 week.

    Estimated completion time of 3-4 weeks.
    (1 week to pass testing; 1 week to pass Infogard audit; 1 week to pass ONC audit)

    No longer paying for testing time. Visolve costs will be approximately 1K.

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2016-11-09

    OpenEMR registration project report:

    This is currently implemented and functional in OpenEMR and AWS(amazon web services). Still are some minor things to finalize on AWS.
    (thanks to Matthew for developing this tool)

    It was brought up on the forums regarding whom has access and what are acceptable uses of the email list that we compile with the registration tool. Placed some thoughts here regarding this:


    Last edit: Brady Miller 2016-11-09
  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2016-11-09

    Raising funds report:

    Placed a summary from the last board meeting here:

    Forward progress on this has been the addition of a Donate button on the About page in OpenEMR.

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2016-11-09

    I will not be able to attend the board meeting tomorrow (traveling), so posted reports/links regarding pertinent topics above.

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2016-11-11


    Placed the minutes and recording for the board meeting here:

    Note there was low attendance and were unable to meet quorum(thus unable to pursue official business and will pursue all items in the above agenda at the next board meeting). Because of this, there was instead an informal discussion (which was still interesting) with Sena, Stephen, Matthew and Roberto.



    Last edit: Brady Miller 2016-11-11

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