
New Website - Follow Up Items

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  • Robert Down

    Robert Down - 2016-09-27

    Because I didn’t have the original logo and was using a PNG file, the editing process was a bit rough. Everything will be identical, smooth, non-blurry and awesome for the final version.

    This is color scheme differences only

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2016-10-31


    The OpenEMR website at has just been updated with Robert's changes and logo. It looks really nice!
    (you may need to refresh the page in your browser to see the changes)

    My suggestions for improvement are the following:
    1. Flip the main image horizontally (ie. mirror image) so moblie users see a computer on the image and not a old phone/paper/pen :)
    2. Add the main image(with that nice slogan/logo) back to the wiki(and 404 page) in the header.html. It's really nice and prevents the wiki from looking like a obvious wiki (especially the download, features, etc. pages).

    Please post any other suggestions for improvement here.

    And thank you Robert!


  • Stephen Waite

    Stephen Waite - 2017-03-14

    the website looks very nice, thank you Robert.

    my suggestions for improvements stem mainly from desire to put OpenEMR v5.0 and it's 2014 ONC certification front and center, could even reference the press release

    could also move the "what is OpenEMR" section up the page along with the 3 graphics ordered 2014 ONC first, then OSI and finally non profit backed

    this would move the image of the provider and the look of the application to the bottom of the page

    thank you

  • Robert Down

    Robert Down - 2017-03-15

    Hi Stephen,

    I agree we need to better showcase the ONC cert - plan on making it more prominent once we finish the launch of the new forum (Should be very soon

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