
User Interface Renovations

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  • John Carbone

    John Carbone - 2015-11-06

    We have started (yet another) user interface improvement project. We decided that instead of building off the preexisting UI improvement project, we would start over again.

    OpenEMR was started prior to many innovations in web technology, and the user interface reflects this.

    Like the previous project, our goal is to implement Twitter Bootstrap, but with several additional requirements.

    We understand that for all of the desire to refactor the underlying code, but there are many stakeholders that have a lot working knowledge of the code. Additionally, there is a significant amount of business logic that is tied to the UI code. So, our approach is to try to preserve the code base so as not to "throw the baby out with the bath water", so to speak.

    It is the goal of this project not to change the structure of the code or materially alter the function of the system. We will also maintain backwards compatibility with the existing OpenEMR theming system.

    You may view the progress of this project at our fork at github at

    We are employing the following methodology, we have created an SCSS stylesheet from the style_oemr.css style, then
    1. Where possible, we are reusing the existing OpenEMR classes by extending the Bootstrap classes.
    2. If needed we apply new classes to the HTML (making sure not to interfere with existing styling)
    3. Worst case scenario we modify the HTML and/or PHP in a way that is backwards compatible with the existing code/theming system, an example of this was the pills in messaging.php


    Last edit: John Carbone 2015-11-07
  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2015-11-07


    This looks very promising especially considering the small footprint!

    I pointed one of the "up for grabs" demos to this code here:
    (to choose the modernized theme, select Adminstration->Globals->Appearance->Theme->style_bootstrap.css)

    I pointed the above demo to the "ui-foundation" branch. But it looks like there is another branch "ui-dev-phase1" that has more recent modifications. Just let me know when I should change the demo target branch, and I'll gladly do so.


  • sapiens110

    sapiens110 - 2015-11-08


    Nice to see this got picked up. Two question though,
    1) Do the community think it's time to let go of the framesets?
    2) As a web based EMR, It would be nice to make the theme responsive. Have you thought about it? This won't leave a small foot print in the code though.


    Last edit: sapiens110 2015-11-08
    • John Carbone

      John Carbone - 2015-11-09
      1. We were planning on saving the framesets for last. The <frameset> tag is deprecated in HTML5.
      2. We are not currently planning on this.

      Last edit: John Carbone 2015-11-09
  • John Carbone

    John Carbone - 2015-11-12

    While this is very much still a work in progress and aesthetics are lacking at the moment, a lot of progress has been made. For this who are interested please see

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2015-11-13

    Hi John,

    Is there a specific branch on your repository that we should be looking at? It looks like a new branch is created every several days and unclear which one to test.


  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2015-11-13

    Hi John,


    I just tested the most recent branch on your repo (ui-dev-phase1-tables) and directed the following demo to it:
    (to see the new modern theme, select Adminstration->Globals->Appearance->Theme->style_bootstrap.css)

    It's looking really nice.


  • Tony McCormick

    Tony McCormick - 2015-11-13

    hmm that URl just gives me a 500 error, something wierd in going on on the wiki


    Last edit: Tony McCormick 2015-11-13
  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2015-11-14

    Hi Tony,
    I just checked and demo and wiki are working now (sourceforge stuff does go down every once in awhile for a couple minutes at a time; guessing that's what happened to you).

  • John Carbone

    John Carbone - 2015-11-14

    We will be cleaning up the feature branches and will get a definitive branch Monday.

  • John Carbone

    John Carbone - 2015-11-23

    We have merged the feature branches into the ui-dev-phase1 branch at our fork at I just ask that you look past the hideously vile color scheme for now, we have not been concentrating on that yet.


    Last edit: John Carbone 2015-11-23
  • Tony McCormick

    Tony McCormick - 2015-11-23

    Thanks for the comment re the colors, I was getting worried... :-)

  • John Carbone

    John Carbone - 2015-12-03

    Please see branch Branch_ui-dev-02-12-Color-Schemes for latest updates. Some progess has been made with the colors too.


    Last edit: John Carbone 2015-12-03
    • Brady Miller

      Brady Miller - 2015-12-04

      Looking nice. Directed the following demo to the branch so others can test it:
      (to see the new modern theme, select Adminstration->Globals->Appearance->Theme->style_bootstrap.css)

  • Tony McCormick

    Tony McCormick - 2015-12-03

    That's starting to really take shape now.

  • Frankie

    Frankie - 2015-12-04

    Any chance we'll see the demise of the split-screen frames in this upgrade? My employees who aren't as tech savvy tend to get tangled up with it. I think Kevin had a tabbed mod going not long ago. That would be a really cool feature to see implemented.

  • Tony McCormick

    Tony McCormick - 2015-12-04

    It's not the split screen that's a problem, that can be very useful, it is the fact that it's HTML frames based which is a HTML method that has long ago been replaced by <DIV> for device independence. however, weeding it out of openEMR is hard, the login screen uses 3 frames for no good reason at all ... Then there is the title bar and left nav menu that are also frames. Lot's for status data tracked in the title frame via javascript ...

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2015-12-04

    Hi Frankie,
    There is zero chance that will happen in the next version release :)
    As Tony describes above, trying to unwrap OpenEMR out of the frames would take a very large amount of resources to complete.

  • Frankie

    Frankie - 2015-12-04

    Let's gather the resources! Perhaps John can start a crowdfunding campaign to work on updating the overall user experience after the bootstrap project. I'd be happy to pledge toward his (and his teams?) effort.

    And I certainly didn't mean to imply something that would be done for a specific release. But I do believe it's important, if possible, to have a developer focus on UI/UX alongside the rest of the meaningful use work.

  • Robert Down

    Robert Down - 2015-12-28

    I began undertaking a similar project earlier this year and felt that there wasn't enough energy from the community to really continue pushing through, I"m excited to see forward progress. I have an up-for-grabs with my work, although it's a bit out of date, I'll try to get what I have pushed asap.

    John can we engage via email?

    I attached a screenshot of my most recent changes from my local instance


    Last edit: Robert Down 2015-12-28
  • Ray Magauran

    Ray Magauran - 2016-01-01

    Very nice screen shot Robert. I am not very sure of my programming skills and I don't want to break anything but I do think we can improve the interface. It will take real programming skill and dollars but with MU 1-6, maybe a stepwise approach will work. Seems there is alot that can be done through style sheets as Robert's jpg suggests. Working from within the closed walls of the eye form I built a menu system (twitter bootstrap if I recall) that works within the framed architecture of openEMR. Maybe this would be useful to others who are starting to consider the frameless version for the future?

    style sheet test:
    Menu example:


    Last edit: Ray Magauran 2016-01-01
  • John Carbone

    John Carbone - 2016-01-06

    Dear all,

    We are enterting the final phases of this project. At this time work is being performed to remote the framesets.

    Also, I'd like to reach out to the community to get feedback and bug reports.Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Kind regards,

    • Tony McCormick

      Tony McCormick - 2016-04-04

      How are thing going on this? It would be good to get the bootstrap based code in place so we can merge Yehster's iframe code base as well, he removed all the frameset code already.

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2016-01-06


    What branch should the developers test. I took a guess and set the up for grabs demo to the 'Branch_frameset-replacement' branch. Can be tested here:
    (to see the new modern theme, select Adminstration->Globals->Appearance->Theme->style_bootstrap.css)

    Looks nice, but there appears to be quite a bit of buggy behavior on my quick testing.

    Also, what do you mean by remote the framesets? (I ask this because many of the things that required the frames to "communicate" with each other are now broken)


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