
Adding Scoring sheets to OpenEMR

  • SreeVidya  Madhuvarsu

    I am trying to add scoring sheets to OpenEMR . I tried creating the questionnaires by using the LBV_Forms. I was not able to figure out how to calculate the scoring based on the options clicked by the patient. Any help is appreciated.

  • Rod Roark

    Rod Roark - 2010-12-18

    I'm not sure what you mean, but it sounds like some programming would be involved.  You can write a "plug-in" for a layout-based form.  There's no formal documentation of that yet, but you can find a couple of examples with pretty good comments in the distribution at sites/default/LBF.


  • Rod Roark

    Rod Roark - 2010-12-18

    Oops, that location is for current development code; in 3.2 it's custom/LBF.


  • Art Eaton

    Art Eaton - 2010-12-18

    Is this a survey of some sort?  I assume you need to average some scores or something right?  Maybe graph the outcomes?

    Also, do you need to have a running tally of scores from session to session, or is each set of "scores" only pertinent to one visit?

    There are a lot of differerent "common" sets of feedback/evaluations that are used and tracked.  In mental health, there is the GAF, FARS/CFARS, and different outcome rating survey forms needed for progress evaluation reporting (to Medicaid etc…).  I creating some forms for a variety of these needs.
    For session ratings and outcomes, I have needed a program outside the EMR so that the patient can use a friendly slide-bar to input evaluation information scalars (smiley face that a juvinile can slide along a line to show how they feel about different things).  The program then does all the totalling, saves a CSV and an .ini file to keep a record, then copys the data to the clip-board to input the data, opens a browser to the EMR, and allows you to dump the pre-processed data into a form in the EMR, including a current-date track-graph.  The calculations are done outside the EMR.  This may be one way for you to achieve this effect (using a spreadsheet or the like).
      You can also use the updated version of the scanned documents form to embed a spreadsheet into an encounter.

    Is this a common or commonly useful form that you are trying to create, or just something that is relevant only to your practice?


  • Raj Sadagopan

    Raj Sadagopan - 2010-12-19

    Hi Art,

    We are working with a Psychiatric clinic and in discussion with them for development of forms. It will be interesting to exchange information. There are forms which are specific to the clinic and there are generic forms. I would love to discuss with you. My email ID is : Look forward to your kind response



  • Art Eaton

    Art Eaton - 2010-12-19

    Raj, glad to meet ya!

    I will certainly send you an e-mail, but if we proceed with this sort of thing, we should certainly utilize the dev forum as well.  Please remember that I am not a PHP programmer, or a Web developer to any degree.   I am in fact just a hack.  I am going to be hacking my way through this stuff nonetheless.  Hard-headed, all that.

  • Rod Roark

    Rod Roark - 2010-12-19

    I also encourage use of the forums to exchange ideas and information regarding new features.  Otherwise you're very likely to miss out on the expertise and insights of others.  And when it gets to the code level there is also github to keep everyone involved.


  • SreeVidya  Madhuvarsu

    Hi Art,
       I am some what trying to do similar things like what you said. Can you please share the forms/programs you have used for Scoring? I would love to know more about how your approach and see if it fits my needs, my E-mail id is


  • Art Eaton

    Art Eaton - 2010-12-30

    Here is an example: .  This is a windows application, and requires DirectX.
        Mind you, there is a copy of this running on a server as a play-on-demand, so that smart phones can use it, but it still saves the file to the smart phone, and not on the server.

    This particular version is in development.  It was requested by someone that wanted the program to stay open after the "Progress Evaluation" which is done before a therapy session, as they kept forgetting to get the "Session Feedback" at the end of the therapy session, so it sits there with a message window waiting for your input and does not easily allow you to quit the program.  I think it is a pain in the ass this way, but it was the version I have posted… and is a good enough example for now.  It also has the beginnings of a "scan a paper form" utility, that takes a paper version of the survey form (pdf included with this pack), fires up the twain device, acquires the image and automatically scores the sheet.  I have not worked on this since Dec 1, and it will be a couple of weeks before I get back to those new features. 
       At the end of the therapy feedback, it allows the Therapist to put in the passcode  ("2010") to continue to the utility section.  It is there that you export data to a CSV (not automatic or forced in this version).  It also displays the results of the survey, copies them to the clipboard, and allows you to hit a button to start your browser and go to our OpenEMR login page so that you can dump the data into an encounter.
        This program keeps an .ini file that keeps the current therapist's settings (just the therapist's name for now), as well as an .ini that tracks the session feedback scores for each client saved under that patient's client number (though you CAN use the patient's name if you desire).  It also continually appends a .csv file that you can use to gather all your therapist's individual feedback form data, combine them all to a spreadsheet or database.  There is also a .txt file created that has all your therapy sessions in it in case you need to copy and past scores into a note later.

  • SreeVidya  Madhuvarsu

    Hi Art,
       I really appreciate your time and information you have provided. I am looking for something similar to what you have explained above and would like to try your example. Unfortunately I am not able to un-zip or open the link ( ) you have provided. Appreciate if you can provide me with the application.


  • ZH Healthcare

    ZH Healthcare - 2011-06-07

    Hey Art,

    I am trying to find a solution to scan directly into OpenEMR rather than scan save and upload.  I saw your post up above

    It also has the beginnings of a "scan a paper form" utility, that takes a paper version of the survey form (pdf included with this pack), fires up the twain device, acquires the image

    Is there a solution for this by now that you are willing to share?  Has anyone else done anything on this?


  • Alfonso

    Alfonso - 2011-06-07

       Take a look at OpenKM.  It does something similar to that.

    Hope this helps

  • Art Eaton

    Art Eaton - 2011-06-07
    No solution here.  I havn't been aiming to scan into the EMR.  You have to write to the db when you add a scanned itme directly into a patient encounter or into documents.  That process CAN be automated if there is need, by pre-organizing the scans and then writing to the DB and uploading in one swell Foop.
    This program (just to show that I am not being stingy with my crappy apps)
    Windows application.  Not currently a direct-to-emr thing.  A program can be made to start up some scanning software with pre-set directory locations etc… but that was not the first goal of this program.  The eventual intention of this program is to send data directly to the DB captured from markings on paper, but you can just as easily map to an FTP where patient documents are stored, enter a patient number, and have your file sent as well as write document data to the db.  I am just not sure this is a good thing to do though.  Open to suggestions on that one.
      What it does is
    1.  takes a therapy session feedback and saves data to .ini, csv, text, and clipboard.
    2.  Allows you to take paper surveys that have already been scanned and extract survey data from them.

    Currently, the survey documents scanned must be in the same directory as the .exe, and must be in B/W .jpg format.  The form that you use for scanned surveys is the .odt file, the fancy-looking .pdf was harder to deal with, so I am re-developing it (in all that free time of mine).
      Basically, the surveyee marks a vertical line in the box under the question as sort of a scalar (with no scale provided).  It is a tool commonly used by mental types :)  Folks who insist on using the paper form instead of bringing in their laptop when they go into a home that has feces smeared on the walls still want the data to be plunked into the EMR.
      Anywho, hit f1 for help in the program if you actually want to try it some, but as for the scan read feature, that is in "Utilities".
      Basically, it turns the .jpg into a sprite with collision checking.  Then the program checks for collisions along the lines, and reports the position of the survey items.
      It is a real pain to use the scan feature currently, as that part of the program is still very much in DEV mode.   With a couple of changes, it CAN be set to start the scanning software on MY machine, and automate a good bit, but it is of little use to most people.


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