
Medical Record Missing in 4.0 Demo Tree

  • RebeccaM

    RebeccaM - 2010-10-08


    I am new to Open EMR and have been playing with 3.2 demo and really like the changes in the 4.0 demo the best, however, the role that is created (administrator with provider privileges) is missing the medical record section from the tree under Patient/Client.  What am I missing? 

    Also, when do you expect to have a 4.0 manual available?

    Thanks in advance,


  • RebeccaM

    RebeccaM - 2010-10-08

    Okay, I might have typed too soon because I see now that under patient/client summary are the options, they are just not on the tree anymore.

  • Tony McCormick

    Tony McCormick - 2010-10-09

    User manuals are being started now, some flux still in the 4.0 product so it's a little hard to gauge the timing yet, but there will be new manuals and even some videos with the release.


  • RebeccaM

    RebeccaM - 2010-10-11

    Tony, thanks, it will be great to have manuals for this version also.



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