
moving a filled out from from one encounter to another

  • Merlin Silk

    Merlin Silk - 2017-03-17

    is there a way to move the data from a filled out form in one encounter to a different encounter?
    I ran into this today in our office where the nurse entered data in a pretty big form, but was in the wrong encounter.
    Now we have the nursing notes in the pre-op encounter instead of the surgery encounter.
    Is there a way to move that form from the pre-op encounter to the surgery encounter without her having to re-enter all the data?
    Thanks - Merlin

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2017-03-17

    Hi Merlin,

    Suggest posting this on our new forums at as we recently migrated away from this sourceforge forum.
    (We'd be glad to give some guidance there)



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