
#59 Feesheet issues when the codes are chosen from category list

Billing (33)

The price and the description column are blank when the codes are chosen from the Service Category list..


Here goes a typical scenario:

a. Create a Service category (Ex: Test) through the List option
b. Add the CPT4 codes with that category and modifier in the Administration->Practice page
Ex (sample data for testing):
Code - 10001
Modifier - A
Description - Test 10001 code
Category - Test1
Fees - 50
c. Now, while filling up the fee sheet, we're able to see the 'Test1' codes.
d. When we choose the '10001' code under the Service Category (Test1), 'price' and 'description' values are displayed as blank. But when we select the code from the Search, the details are displayed correctly.
The issue is, when we select the code from the Service category (Test1), the modifier is not passed to the 'codeselect' javascript function, the query fails and hence the details are blank.


  • ViSolve

    ViSolve - 2009-11-28

    Patch to fix the above feesheet issue

  • ViSolve

    ViSolve - 2009-11-28
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Joe Holzer

    Joe Holzer - 2009-12-01

    Hi; Since I wrote the Instructions for the Fee Sheet, I was interested in your comments. But I am not sure i understand. I presume your instruction to use Admin->Practice is really Admin->Services (Superbill in Radio View), as Practice has no CPT code associations. In the Lists-Fee Sheet I create a category (the distribution has New or Existing Patient) of Test1, and add the CPT you said. That listing (with # as the separator between the fields) looks like 3Test1 #110001 - Test 10001 Code Mod A Fee $50 # only if I type all the Mod and Fee. There is no "search" as such.

    I just realized - we have not added anything to the Service Category for the CPTs we have used, so all the Mod & Price for those carried over with the default "Unassigned". I see how they do not in an added "Test1" now. If you have fixed this, can I ask that you assure your fix becomes part of Brady's next (probably #5) patch for 3.1.0 unless the release of 3.2.0 is imminent, in which case include it there? Thanks.

    Joe Holzer Idea Man 315-622-9241

  • ViSolve

    ViSolve - 2009-12-02

    Yes.. We'd used Admin->Services.

    The issue arises only if we try to fill up the Fee Sheet using the Service Categories defined earlier.

    If somebody agrees to this patch, i think Brady would add it to the next (#5) patch for 3.1.0.

    ViCare Team

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2009-12-02
    • assigned_to: visolveemr --> bradymiller
  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2009-12-05


    Committed this to cvs and 3.1.0 branch. Will also include in next 3.1.0 patch. I'll close tracker item this after the 3.1.0 patch release.

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2009-12-18
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed

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