
how find all constants into a microtheory?

  • Mario

    Mario - 2006-05-17

    I am trying to find all constants into a specific Mt... by now, the only method I found is to navigate with the browser the isa predicate and search in All KB Assertions... this is not a good thing because there are about 40k assertions to load... if I ask (#$isa ?ARG1 #$Thing), specifying the Mt, the result is "No answers". If I change some advanced inference parameters (cutoff etc...), I do not obtain what I want...
    Somebody knows how can I find all constants into a specific microtheory??

    Thanks a lot,

    • Jim White

      Jim White - 2006-05-17

      The predicate you may want is assertionMt (see MetaKnowledgePredicate for related predicates).

      So to see what is asserted in a microtheory, query:

      (#$assertionMt ?X #$NaivePhysicsMt)

      I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "constants in a microtheory", because to my (terribly incomplete) understanding of CycL, constants don't belong to a microtheory.

      If you ask:

      (#$and (#$isa ?X #$Thing)
             (#$assertionMt ?X #$NaivePhysicsMt))

      You'll get the same answer since everything in Cyc isa #$Thing. The comment in assertionSentence is also relevant here.  If that is way in the wrong direction of the information you seek, then be sure you've read all of the tutorials before going further.

      • Mario

        Mario - 2006-05-18

        thanks for the answer, but it is not what I am trying. Unfortunately I am explained badly... I want to obtain the constants that
        directly or indirectly (through assertions or rules) re-enter within one determined microtheory. Practically I am looking for a way to discover all the constants which answer in affirmative way to all the assertions made in the chosen microtheory. You excuse me for my English but I hope I have been more clearly possible, thanks, Mario


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