
BDI or models of perception, beliefs, etc?

David P
  • David P

    David P - 2013-10-22

    Can anyone point me to microtheories or papers on any attempts to encode Belief-Desire-Intention or similar higher-order logic representations of individual psychology in Cyc?

    When I last looked in researchcyc in 2008, there was very little. I'm interested in trying this, but would like to be aware of what others have done before I start. I've searched cycorp, Google Scholar, etc.

    • Larry Lefkowitz

      Larry Lefkowitz - 2013-10-24

      David, one starting point would be to use the Cyc "Overlap" tool to find relevant assertions and rules in the knowledge base. For instance, but if you search for "beliefs desires", you'll find quite a few examples of rules that relate beliefs and desires.


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