
#115 Hidden IOException at isClosed()

v1.0 (example)

When a line ends exactly at the end of BufferedReader internal buffer, the CSVReader#isClosed() method one byte reading will refill the buffer, the mark is lost, therefore the reset() throws " Mark invalid" exception. This bug aborts further reads from the buffer.

This bug probably introduced by this fix:


Bugs: #115


  • Bardocz István

    Bardocz István - 2015-06-24

    Here is a complete example use case:

    import java.util.List;

    import com.opencsv.CSVReader;

    public class CSVReaderTest

    private static final String ONE_ROW = "col\tcol\tcol\tco\r\n"; // 10byte
    private static final int ROWS = 1000;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
        StringBuilder all = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)
        Reader reader = new StringReader(all.toString());
        CSVReader csvr = new CSVReader(reader, '\t');
        List<String[]> rows = csvr.readAll();
        if (rows.size() != ROWS)
            throw new RuntimeException("Expected row count: " + ROWS + " found: " + rows.size());


  • Anand Rathi

    Anand Rathi - 2015-07-21

    I am also facing this issue while parsing big file ~20MB. As complete file is not read, we are losing some data because of this.

    Is there any update on this ticket?

    • Scott Conway

      Scott Conway - 2015-07-21

      Rathiar I apologize but no there has been no updates on this issue. I am
      entering in the crazy part of the year with work, kids activities, Boy
      Scout troop activities that there will not be much work done for the next
      couple of months. I have one feature I am trying to get out before
      September and even that I have not touched in a month.

      Bardocz - thanks for the example.

      I have an question though. Bardocz - you said this issue was caused by
      Issue #108. Have either of you tried version 3.4 because there was a fix
      to the isClosed in there.

      If both of you are using 3.4 I will take the example that Bardocz made and
      try and make a unit test out of it. If successful I will try and slate
      this for 3.5 but with everything happening this Summer/Fall I cannot give
      you a ETA for 3.5.


      On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 12:07 AM, Anand Rathi wrote:

      I am also facing this issue while parsing big file ~20MB. As complete file
      is not read, we are losing some data because of this.

      Is there any update on this ticket?

      Status: open
      Group: v1.0 (example)
      Created: Wed Jun 24, 2015 07:00 AM UTC by Bardocz István
      Last Updated: Wed Jun 24, 2015 08:23 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      When a line ends exactly at the end of BufferedReader internal buffer, the
      CSVReader#isClosed() method one byte reading will refill the buffer, the
      mark is lost, therefore the reset() throws " Mark
      invalid" exception. This bug aborts further reads from the buffer.

      This bug probably introduced by this fix:

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

      Scott Conway



      Bugs: #115

      • Anand Rathi

        Anand Rathi - 2015-07-28

        My scenario is working fine with v3.3. So, it seems that this issue is because of changes made in isClosed() method in v3.4

        • Scott Conway

          Scott Conway - 2015-07-28

          I was afraid of that. I will see if I can get a chance to look at the
          isClosed this weekend.

          On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 11:23 PM, Anand Rathi wrote:

          My scenario is working fine with v3.3. So, it seems that this issue is
          because of changes made in isClosed() method in v3.4

          Status: open
          Group: v1.0 (example)
          Created: Wed Jun 24, 2015 07:00 AM UTC by Bardocz István
          Last Updated: Tue Jul 21, 2015 05:07 AM UTC
          Owner: nobody

          When a line ends exactly at the end of BufferedReader internal buffer, the
          CSVReader#isClosed() method one byte reading will refill the buffer, the
          mark is lost, therefore the reset() throws " Mark
          invalid" exception. This bug aborts further reads from the buffer.

          This bug probably introduced by this fix:

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

          Scott Conway



          Bugs: #115

  • Scott Conway

    Scott Conway - 2015-07-29
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • assigned_to: Scott Conway
  • Scott Conway

    Scott Conway - 2015-07-29

    Found it! The problem with the isClosed fix is that it was setting a mark of one byte but in Java the size of a character is two bytes.

    I do not know why it did not fail immediately but after changing the size passed into the mark I ran the test that Bardocz sent in a loop of 10000 without issue.

    I have merged the fix in trunk and will try and get a new version out this weekend if I can get a support request in.

    • Anand Rathi

      Anand Rathi - 2015-07-30

      Thanks Scott for quick turnaround. Is it possible to make that fix available in v3.4. I believe without this fix, v3.4 should not be used.

      • Scott Conway

        Scott Conway - 2015-07-30

        Agreed - I am going to try and push out a new version this weekend and that
        will be 3.5. Agreed that 3.4 should not be used but I would rather push a
        new version than overwrite a previous version. That way if someone comes
        up and says I have a problem with version 3.4 I won't have to ask when they
        downloaded it.

        On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 12:08 AM, Anand Rathi wrote:

        Thanks Scott for quick turnaround. Is it possible to make that fix
        available in v3.4. I believe without this fix, v3.4 should not be used.

        Status: closed-fixed
        Group: v1.0 (example)
        Created: Wed Jun 24, 2015 07:00 AM UTC by Bardocz István
        Last Updated: Wed Jul 29, 2015 02:27 AM UTC
        Owner: Scott Conway

        When a line ends exactly at the end of BufferedReader internal buffer, the
        CSVReader#isClosed() method one byte reading will refill the buffer, the
        mark is lost, therefore the reset() throws " Mark
        invalid" exception. This bug aborts further reads from the buffer.

        This bug probably introduced by this fix:

        Sent from because you indicated interest in

        To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

        Scott Conway



        Bugs: #115

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