
Cannot unzip win32 openConfigurator

Simon Fok
  • Simon Fok

    Simon Fok - 2017-03-23

    I downloaded the Win32 openConfigurator onto a PC but I couldn't even unzipped it. I got either an "invalid" or "folder is empty" message. I tried multiple times and on different window machines with no success

    Any help is appreciated.


  • Christoph Ruecker

    Hi Simon,

    I cannot reproduce the issue with unzipping the plugin container file. Have you tried installing the plugin via the update site?


  • Simon Fok

    Simon Fok - 2017-03-26

    Hi Christoph,

    I tried downloading again and this time I did not get the invalid message. However, when I double-click to unzip, I got a VirusScan Alert, Detector as: Artemis!6D29923EB15F, Detector Type: Trojan. Needless to say I was not able to proceed any further.

    To be precise, below is the link for the downloaded file:

    Thanks in advance for your help.


  • Christoph Ruecker

    Hi Simon,

    OC 1.4.1 is deprecated since 2 years and is not maintained any more. The virus scan recognizes the executable within the zip and raises an heuristic trojan alert.

    Please consider using openCONFIGURATOR 2.1.2.


  • Simon Fok

    Simon Fok - 2017-03-27

    Hi Christoph,

    What is the link for openCONFIGURATOR 2.1.2?


  • Simon Fok

    Simon Fok - 2017-03-27

    Hi Christoph,

    I got a bit further...I follow the instructions in the User Manual for openCONFIGURATOR eclipse plugin ver: 2.1.2. With Jave and Eclipse installed, I tried to install openCONFIGURATOR via Eclipse marketplace and SoruceForge and with no success. In the case of Eclipse marketplace, I got a pop-up saying "Problem occured" with the following error message below. Any ideas why?


    Unable to read repository at PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

  • Christoph Ruecker

    Hi Simon,

    This issue occurs because of the SF download servers enforcing strong encryption and the limitation Oracle has to follow while delivering the JDK. The solution is easy and described here:

    Another possibility would be to offline install the plugin.

    Download the plugin zip from SF.

    1. In Eclipse, choose Help > Install New Software...
    2. In the "Work with" section, click the Add... button. The "Add Repository" dialog box appears.
    3. Click Archive... and select the zip file you downloaded, then click OK. Its path appears in the "Location" field. Leave the "Name" field empty.
      4.Click Next to review the list of items to be installed, click Next again to read and accept the license agreements, then click Finish.
      5.Eclipse will then install any external dependencies, and add the chosen components to the Eclipse installation.
      6.When asked, restart Eclipse.


  • Simon Fok

    Simon Fok - 2017-03-29

    Hi Christoph,

    I couldn't get the first suggested solution to work, so I installed the plugin offline and it worked.

    After restarting Eclipse, I tried creating a new POWERLINK network project but failed. Specificially,

    (1) I did "File --> New --> Project" menu in the Eclipse application
    (2) I selected "New POWERLINK network" and clicked "Next".

    I immediately got a "Problem Occured" message:

    The selected wizard could not be started.
    Plug-in org.epsg.openconfigurator was unable to load class org.epsg.openconfigurator.wizards.NewPowerlinkNetworkProjectWizard.
    An error occurred while automatically activating bundle org.epsg.openconfigurator (258).

    There is also the following error message:

    [2017-03-29 09:21:27] [ERROR] [] openCONFIGURATOR plugin
    Error loading shared librariesC: \Users\testing\Eclipse Luna\eclipse-standard-luna-R-win32-x8664 (1)\eclipse\plugins\org.epsg.openconfigurator2.1.2.201703231414\os\win32\x8664\boost_regex-vc110-mt-1_58.dll: Can't find dependent libraries

    I checked and the boost_regex-vc110-mt-1_58.dll file is there in the folder specified above.

    Any ideas what went wrong?


  • Simon Fok

    Simon Fok - 2017-03-29

    HI Christoph,

    As a follow-up, this is my system: Window 7 SP1, intel 64 bit laptop. I have Java 8 Update 91 and for Eclipse, I downloaded and run eclipse-standard-luna-R-win32-x86_64 (Eclipse Luna Standard 4.4)


  • Christoph Ruecker

    Hi Simon,

    The issue is most likely caused by MSVC C++ runtime libs missing on you system. Please install the redistributable package apropriate for your system and ty again:


  • Simon Fok

    Simon Fok - 2017-03-31

    Hi Christoph,

    That worked -- I am now able to create a new POWERLINK network project.

    Thanks so much for your help,


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