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  • Ricardo Naranjo

    Ricardo Naranjo - 2011-01-23


    I'm married with a dermathologyst medic so I began to be interested in
    EMR/HIS/CIS php-web open-source applications... I took a look into this poject
    and seems to be a nice software...

    Now when I enter into forums I see there is not much recent activity, so I'm
    wondering if the project is abandoned or if there is another php-web open-
    source application replacing OpenClinic.

    When I try to install I find this error:

    Warning: preg_match() : Unknown modifier 'h' in
    /warehouse/gramo/public_html/openclinic/shared/xhtml_start.php on line 27

    So I entered the code and fix it with the following patch into
    shared/xhtml_start.php file:
    < if ( !preg_match("/".str_replace("+", "+", $contentType)."/", $_SERVER) )

    if ( !preg_match("/".str_replace("/", "\/", str_replace("+", "+",
    $contentType))."/", $_SERVER) )

    Could you give-me any advise on who is in charge in order to improve the code?

    Thanks in advance.



    I am not creator of this great program, but; that´s check the Requirements:

    1.- PHP4 >= 4.2 (due to session variable changes in PHP 4.2) compiled with
    MySQL support (tested with versions 4.2. and 4.3.);
    2.- MySQL (tested with versions 3.23.36, 3.23.49, 3.23.51, 3.23.52, 3.23.54,
    3.23.55, 4.0.16 and 4.0.18);
    a web server prepared to execute PHP code (recommended Apache); and, of
    course, a web browser
    (with JavaScript and good CSS2 support). Recommended Mozilla or Opera (in its
    newer version).

    3.- Advice: Microsoft Interner Explorer could not show application pages

  • Jose Antonio Chavarria

    Do you have the same problems installing version 0.8? It is ready to work with PHP 5.x.


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