
translation to Spanish

  • ferossan

    ferossan - 2008-04-24

    I would like to offer myself as a translator to Spanish but I can't open the link ( is broken) to know if already there is a translation.
    Is it still necessary?

    • Holger Brandl

      Holger Brandl - 2008-04-25

      Hi Ferossan,

      > Is it still necessary? 
      Yep. We have French, German and English. Portuguese is currently in progress. Spanish would be wonderful.

      > I can't open the link
      I've fixed all links on the website.

      If you like we could use some kind of collaborative text-editor to translate it. In my experience this helps a lot. It would allow to give you some hints, screenshots, whatever... What do you think?

      If you have questions of any kind, you're extremely welcome. :-)


    • ferossan

      ferossan - 2008-04-25

      Sure, I just downloaded the file. I did translations before for some other OpenSource or free software and it would be wonderful to do it again with OpenCards. Using a collaborative text-editor to translate it would be my first time (despite I wrote something for Wikipedia), so let me know how would be better to proceed and I will do it.

      • Holger Brandl

        Holger Brandl - 2008-04-25

        Hi ferossan,

        > Using a collaborative text-editor to translate it would be my first time
        For me too. I just thought it might help in case of problems with the translation.

        Let's try this one. I will watch out for you there:



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