
#224 Allow saving in DCIM/Camera


Currently this app saves in DCIM/Open Camera, however, I would like that all captures images (and videos) are stored in DCIM/Camera.

Please use by default DCIM/Camera as default. Also offer to change the destination directory later on via settings if a user specifically would like that.

I think there is also an setting in Android to retrieve the default camera storage directory. If that is available, please use that.

Using DCIM/Open Camera is only a way of making promotion for this app. This app is good enough (and targets more demanding users) that it doesn't need doing that. Also for people that use multiple camera apps, this is impractical as images are stored in two different directories. Also other apps which use images, such as WhatsApp and Telegram, have to present the user both directories to pick images from.

Implementing this would save the user time managing, searching and finding images on his or her device.


  • Mark

    Mark - 2016-11-13

    Note you can already change the directory (under Settings). So the question is what the default should be.

    I can see there being benefits to a single folder, but on the other hand, other people using multiple camera apps may prefer the photos to be in separate folders (I know I do - but maybe I'm in the minority!)

    Whilst using DCIM/Camera seems to be standard for the "stock" camera applications, there doesn't seem to be a consensus for third party apps (some use DCIM/Camera, others use their own).

    "I think there is also an setting in Android to retrieve the default camera storage directory."

    There is (, but it returns the top level DCIM/ folder, not DCIM/Camera.

  • Pander

    Pander - 2016-11-13

    Thanks for looking into that value of DIRECTORY_DCIM. There is indeed a variety of directories that are being used. But, also because it is the same hardware camera(s) taking the pictures, and for the sake of all those apps that do default to DCIM/Camera, I would like to see that as the default value.

    DCIM stands for "Digital Camera IMages", not that that helps, but DCIM/Camera is indeed the most quick way to find just taken photographs in the majority of apps out there.



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