
not all cameras choosable in Samsung galaxy S20 and s22

7 days ago
7 days ago
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 7 days ago

    we have a Samsung galaxy S20FE and a Samsung galaxy S22+. In both Smartphones, in open camera only the UW (ultra wide angle) and standard camera can be chosen in the open camera app. Not the tele (3x) camera, which however can be chosen in Samsung's camera app. Do I miss a setting?

  • Wilfried Hennings

    hi, (I am the poster of the original post, but I cannot change the "anonymous" post to my account)
    we have a Samsung galaxy S20FE and a Samsung galaxy S22+. In both Smartphones, in open camera only the UW (ultra wide angle) and standard camera can be chosen in the open camera app. Not the tele (3x) camera, which however can be chosen in Samsung's camera app. Do I miss a setting?


    Last edit: Wilfried Hennings 7 days ago


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