
Bracket Exposure ISO Range

  • Lee

    Lee - 2017-11-10

    Hi Mark,

    First off I want to congratulate you on an awesome app, loving using this the past few weeks, so intuitive, it's really been a dream to use. Plus the way you're on top of new features and response times is great, really looking forward to see how the image averaging comes out, well done man, and everyone involved too obviously!!

    I have been using the app on an s7 edge with Android 7.0 and on HDR mode have noticed a slight variance in the iso range when I bring it off auto. The settings on auto iso give a great spread from dark through to light and when fused in a third party app (enfuse) they look great, then I noticed there wasn't as much detail when I moved to iso 100, 200, 400 and 800. I took a look at the three exposures and noticed that they didn't have the same range.

    The medium exposure and the high exposure were very similar which would suggest that maybe the range is affected by changing the settings off ISO. Is there a way that we could keep the same range across the different iso settings so that the steps remain incremental as it moves up and down the scale?

    I have examples of the exposures I could forward to you if that would help clarify?

    thanks in advance, and keep up the great work.



    Last edit: Lee 2017-11-10
  • Lee

    Lee - 2017-11-10
  • Lee

    Lee - 2017-11-20

    Can I get an update on this, is it an option?

  • Mark

    Mark - 2017-11-21


    I see the problem with ISO 100 - the middle and bright exposures look the same, so this seems a bug. The metadata confirms they were both taken with the same 1/15s exposure.

    Compare to the auto, which uses ISO 250, with the middle image at 1/33s, the bright image at 1/10s.

    ISO 200 shows some difference, but not as much (1/25s vs 1/15s).

    Is this with Settings/"Use Camera2 API" disabled (this is the default)? In that mode, it uses exposure compensation to verify the brightness. The metadata of the ISO 100 bright image does claim it was taken at +2 steps exposure bias, so it seems it may be hitting a device limit, that it can't go any brighter.

    You may get better results if Settings/"Use Camera2 API" is enabled? (This is also much faster to take the shots, as well, so less chance of misalignment.)

    Bear in mind that some devices seem to have problems with the Camera2 API (which is why it's off by default), so that would be something to check.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-11-23

    That's great Mark, I'll take test images today and see if the api is the issue!!

  • Lee

    Lee - 2017-11-23

    Hmmmm appears the API turned on does give a greater range in the exposures but........ we are back to the good old Camera 2 API not working with third party apps on the S7 Edge, I did find the culprit to the terrible gloss blur that it adds to the images, apparently its a CaptureRequest setting that is called EDGE_MODE that can be turned off a source code, but unfortunately not an easy fix for ourselves.

  • Lee

    Lee - 2017-11-24

    So it appears that with our current cameras (S7 edge) using Camera 2 API to solve the problem isn't an option due to the 'Glossy Edges' problem. Is it a case that we may have to move away from open camera (which we don't want to do obv) for the time being, or do think that there is away to solve the bug from your end?? I understand it may the the limits of the phone as we tested on the S8 and problem didn't occur, it would be great to get a fix for this, I am going to send an email to samsung too to see if they will fix the API error on their end.

    Thanks Mark

    • Mark

      Mark - 2017-11-24

      Thanks for the info - do you know what value EDGE_MODE should be set to? Should this be EDGE_MODE_OFF or EDGE_MODE_FAST? I can add this setting specifically for the Samsung S7 (Edge).

      (I see a similar discussion at , which suggests OFF .)

  • Lee

    Lee - 2017-11-27

    Sorry Mark had to read up on some those settings there. So I think EDGE_MODE OFF is the best solution, as applying the effect at all seems to be the problem. Fast mode seems only effects the speed in which its applied, but seeing as we are striving for realism in our shots I think its a better option just to leave it at OFF.

    • Mark

      Mark - 2017-11-27

      I've added EDGE_MODE_OFF for Samsung S7 and S7 Edge devices - I've uploaded a test APK at , I don't know if that shows any improvement?

  • Lee

    Lee - 2017-11-28

    Ah Mark you legend, quick look this seems to have done the trick, I'm gonna take some test shots and put them on a large display to test properly!!!

    • Mark

      Mark - 2017-11-28

      Thanks, hope it's working better. I did have someone else let me know that although setting EDGE_MODE_OFF fixed the weird effect, it was still showing more blurriness than RAW. I'm wondering if that is due to NOISE_REDUCTION. I've uploaded another test at , OpenCamera_nr_off.apk, which sets both EDGE_MODE_OFF and NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE_OFF for the S7 [Edge], so it may be worth seeing if that is any better?

    • Mark

      Mark - 2017-12-05

      Just to add that I'll be doing a release probably in the next couple of days or so, with EDGE_MODE_OFF and NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE_OFF enabled for the S7 (Edge).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-12-06

    Mark this is amazing news, we have been moving office the past few days but I shall pass on the good news and get some tests done asap great news Mark thanks for your tireless work.


    Last edit: Anonymous 2017-12-06
  • Lee

    Lee - 2017-12-07

    Hi Mark,

    Finally got some test shots done with the test APK, while I think it has sorted out the problem I think that there is still a little grain in some of the shots when put onto the larger display, I am gonna work with a few different settings to see if I can get the best results. I think maybe it may be down to the lower iso, but i will test it properly when you release the update.

    thanks buddy

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2018-03-21

    How can I stop my photos from flipping when I take



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