
Open Automation / News: Recent posts

CometVisu release 0.9.0

The CometVisu project is happy to release the version 0.9.0 that can be downloaded at

This release contains many bug fixes and a major rework of the internal page setup code to speed up inital loading.

The last changes can be seen in the change log at

Posted by Christian Mayer 2015-11-09

Move of repository

The Open Automation project is currently moving the code to a new development platform - the well known GitHub.

Please find the CometVisu at:

And please find the other sub projects at:

The GrAF code is not ready for publication yet so it was moved to:
Later it will move to:

Posted by Christian Mayer 2015-03-01

CometVisu release 0.8.5

The CometVisu project is happy to release the version 0.8.5 that can be downloaded at

This release contains a config manager to easily select between different config files.
Also the diagram plugin got some improvements.

The last changes can be seen in the change log at

Posted by Christian Mayer 2015-01-15 Labels: CometVisu

CometVisu release 0.8.4

The CometVisu project is happy to release the version 0.8.4 that can be downloaded at

This release follows the last published release 0.8.3 and comes with a few bugfixes and updates.

NOTE: Due to the new loading system it might be that custom scripts must be modfied!

The last changes can be seen in the change log at

Posted by Christian Mayer 2014-12-11 Labels: CometVisu

CometVisu 0.8.3 release

The CometVisu project is happy to release the version 0.8.3 that can be downloaded at

This release follows the last published release 0.8.2 and comes with a few bugfixes and updates, especially at the diagram plugin.

The last changes can be seen in the change log at

Posted by Christian Mayer 2014-05-04 Labels: CometVisu

CometVisu 0.8.2 release

The CometVisu project is happy to release the version 0.8.2 that can be downloaded at

This release follows the last published release 0.8.1 and comes with a few bugfixes and new features for the gauge plugin.

The last changes can be seen in the change log at

Posted by Christian Mayer 2014-03-02 Labels: CometVisu

CometVisu 0.8.1 release

The CometVisu project is happy to release the version 0.8.1 that can be downloaded at

This release follows the last published release 0.8.0 and comes with a few bugfixes and a new plugin that can create gauge widgets.

The last changes can be seen in the change log at

Posted by Christian Mayer 2014-02-08 Labels: CometVisu CometVisu 0.8.1

CometVisu 0.8.0 release

The CometVisu project is happy to release the version 0.8.0 that can be downloaded at

This release follows the last published release 0.6.2 and comes with lots of new features and bugfixes - nearly 800 commits are included!

The last changes can be seen in the change log at

Posted by Christian Mayer 2013-11-17

CometVisu 0.8.0 release candidate 5

The CometVisu project is happy to release the release candidate 0.8.0-RC5 that can be downloaded at

This is the 5th release candidate that helps fixing the last bugs before releaseing the next version. This continues the feature freeze.
This release candidate can already be used by the public to have a look at the new features. But a use in production environment is not recomended yet.... read more

Posted by Christian Mayer 2013-11-15

CometVisu 0.8.0 release candidate 4

The CometVisu project is happy to release the release candidate 0.8.0-RC4 that can be downloaded at

This is the fourth release candidate that helps fixing the last bugs before releaseing the next version. This continues the feature freeze.
This release candidate can already be used by the public to have a look at the new features. But a use in production environment is not recomended yet.

Posted by Christian Mayer 2013-11-11

CometVisu 0.8.0 release candidate 3

The CometVisu project is happy to release the release candidate 0.8.0-RC3 that can be downloaded at

This is the third release candidate that helps fixing the last bugs before releaseing the next version. This continues the feature freeze.
This release candidate can already be used by the public to have a look at the new features. But a use in production environment is not recomendes yet.

Posted by Christian Mayer 2013-11-05

CometVisu 0.8.0 release candidate 2

The CometVisu project is happy to release the release candidate 0.8.0-RC2 that can be downloaded at

This is the second release candidate that helps fixing the last bugs before releaseing the next version. This continues the feature freeze.
This release candidate can already be used by the public to have a look at the new features. But a use in production environment is not recomendes yet.

Posted by Christian Mayer 2013-11-01

CometVisu 0.8.0 release candidate 1

The CometVisu project is happy to release the release candidate 0.8.0-RC1 that can be downloaded at

This is the first release candidate that helps fixing the last bugs before releaseing the next version. This comes together with a feature freeze.
This release candidate can already be used by the public to have a look at the new features. But a use in production environment is not recomendes yet.

Posted by Christian Mayer 2013-10-20

CometVisu Development Release 0.8.0~pre2

The CometVisu project is happy to release the development version 0.8.0~pre2 that can be downloaded at

This is the second development release that helps developing the release process and gives the wider public the ability to peek at the next version.
The feature freeze that will lead to the release of the version 0.8.0 will happen soon.

Posted by Christian Mayer 2013-04-01

CometVisu Development Release 0.8.0~pre1

The CometVisu project is happy to release the development version 0.8.0~pre1 that can be downloaded at

This is a development release that helps developing the release process and gives the wider public the ability to peek at the next version.
The feature freeze that will lead to the release of the version 0.8.0 will happen soon.

Posted by Christian Mayer 2013-02-21

CometVisu Public Beta Release 0.6.2

The CometVisu project is proud to release the version 0.6.2 that can be downloaded at

This is a bugfix release to the first public beta version that was released on 2012-12-01.

Posted by Christian Mayer 2011-12-30

CometVisu Beta Release 0.6.0-RC4

The CometVisu project is proud to release the version 0.6.0-RC4 that can be downloaded at

This will lead shortly to the version 0.6 that will become the first public beta version. Till this release the SVN is frozen, i.e. changes are only allowed after explicit discussion.

Note: The release 0.6.0-RC3 had a last minute bug fix, so that it was not published.

Posted by Christian Mayer 2011-11-18

CometVisu Beta Release 0.6.0-RC2

The CometVisu project is proud to release the version 0.6.0-RC2 that can be downloaded at

This will lead shortly to the version 0.6.0 that will become the first public beta version.

Posted by Christian Mayer 2011-10-31

CometVisu Beta Release 0.6.0-RC1

The CometVisu project is proud to release the version 0.6.0-RC1 that can be downloaded at

This will lead shortly to the version 0.6.0 that will become the first public beta version.

Posted by Christian Mayer 2011-10-10

CometVisu Beta Release 0.6.0-pre1

The CometVisu project is happy to release the version 0.6.0-pre1 that can be downloaded at

This is the start of the stabilizing phase that will finally lead to the version 0.6.0 that will become the first public beta version.
The 0.6.0-pre1 release is just the feature freeze, so that the remaining bugs can be more easily fixed.

Posted by Christian Mayer 2011-06-10

CometVisu Beta Release 0.5.3

The Open Automation project is pleased to announce the newest CometVisu release! You can download the release 0.5.3 at or get it out of the subversion repository.

The biggest changes in the release 0.5.3 are:
- New Design: "discreet_sand": dark text, light background
- New Design: "discreet_slim": more widgets per line for bigger screens
- New config structure: To allow widgets to listen to multiple addresses
the structure of the config file had to change.... read more

Posted by Christian Mayer 2011-02-06

CometVisu Beta Release 0.5.2

A new release of the CometVisu has just been tagged in SVN and was uploaded to the files section.

It comes with quite a few exciting features:
- New Feature: Plugins
- New Plugin: colorChooser (based on farbtastic)
- New Plugin: diagrams
- New Feature: user settable status bar (i.e. footer)
- New Feature: iframe widget

This release was aimed to create a stable basis as now a few important details of the internal implementation of the CometVisu will be refactored. This will also result in partly incompatible config files.... read more

Posted by Christian Mayer 2010-12-11

CometVisu Beta Release 0.5.1

The CometVisu project is pleased to announce the new release 0.5.1

This is a "internal beta" release, i.e. a release for developers and early beta testers only. We hope that the next release will be a "public beta" where everyone interested in a COMET based and AJAX powered visualisation can have a look at.

The release 0.5.1 is available from the Subversion repository branch or (soon) from the project download section.
As the only backend implementation that currently exists is on the WireGate, you need a WireGate (or at least the packages from it's repository) to use this CometVisu release. If you use a WireGate you might use the already packaged version of this CometVisu release there (package name: cometvisu)

Posted by Christian Mayer 2010-11-26

New Sub-Projects

The Open Automation project is pleased to announce that two new sub projects were created in it's context.

The CometVisu is a free and open sourced visualisation for automation applications like home automation. It's special feature is, that it's real time and web based so that no special clients or applications are needed. As it's following a strict multi layer architecture, it is possbile to use it's infrastructure for other visualisations as well.... read more

Posted by Christian Mayer 2010-10-30