Keith Russell - 2002-06-11

I emailed Jurgen earlier today about this issue, but thought I'd see if anybody is here to help out and save him the trouble.

I downloaded PerlIDE a couple of days ago and it's very nice. However, I'm having problems with the first script I entered and ran using it. Hopefully, someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.

The program is the main example used in O'Reilly's "Learning Perl." You can find it on page 28. The file I entered is at

When I have this project active and press F9, it says "Running..." on the status line, but nothing displays in the Console window. However, if I step through with F8, the prompt displays at the appropriate time. Why is this?

Second problem: to enter my response, I have to click in the Console window, but my response (e.g., "Keith") goes wherever I click. If I click after the prompt, $name gets assigned the whole line ("what is your name? Keith"). If I click on the next line and enter "Keith" there, the variable is assigned correctly, but the next prompt ("What is the secret word?") is printed immediately after "Keith".

Can anyone explain?


Keith Russell