
open-medium.CMS / News: Recent posts

open-medium.CMS version 0.25 released

Version 0.25 is only a release to fix a bug in installation for version 0.24.

As i decide don't ship my index.php and redsys.conf files (the will be created during installation) i notice, that they are created with webserver user and group, while the other files have my ftp user and group. If you have switched on SAFE MODE, PHP do not allow to include this files.

Something like this: "SAFE MODE Restriction in effect" appeared in logfile.

Posted by 549e80f319af070f8ea8d0f149a149c2 2003-11-08

open-medium.CMS version 0.24 released

I released version 0.24 a few minutes ago.

Some new features were installed: creating templates for frame engine, russian language was added (not complete yet), support for charsets and languages, new Mailformular and a new Plugin API (with preferences editing).

See more comments and bugfix list at the changelog.

open-medium Team

Posted by 549e80f319af070f8ea8d0f149a149c2 2003-11-08

open-medium.CMS version 0.23 released

i released version 0.23 a few minutes ago.

Now, you can run the CMS inside a database with other tables, the tables will be now created with the prefix "om_".

Bugfixes: Also, the template editor now works fine and the image assistens show an image preview.

Posted by 549e80f319af070f8ea8d0f149a149c2 2003-10-29

German Documentation Version 1.6 released

- Admin Guide and Documentation are now merged
- Template howto and explanation
- "Init and Clean"

Posted by 549e80f319af070f8ea8d0f149a149c2 2003-10-27

"Init and Clean" version 0.1 releases

"Init and Clean" will initalize your open-medium.CMS, so you can build your site from scratch. Please note: "Init and Clean" will empty all content, archiv, pages and so on. You will _lost all your data_ inside open-medium.CMS.

Posted by 549e80f319af070f8ea8d0f149a149c2 2003-10-27