
Open/Free Server for KiSS DP-500 / News: Recent posts

Development discontinued

As you probably have noticed, this project is not very active anymore. The interest in developing this project any further has faded away in the last few months (on a 'it works for me, so why bother'-basis).

Besides that, I simply don't have the time to work on it. It's still GPL, so please feel free to get the latest stuff from CVS and do with it whatever you please (within the boundaries of the GPL, of course ;) ).... read more

Posted by Stephan van Maris 2003-10-23

Open-DP500 0.3 released

Sorry it took so long. Here's the new version of Open-DP500 that fixes the playback of audio and video on the newest firmwares (2.6.7 and 2.6.8). Thanks to Uffe for supplying me the patch.

Posted by Stephan van Maris 2003-07-10

Firmware 2.67/2.68

KiSS Technology recently released firmware updates for the DP-500. They have changed the network protocol slightly to support file-seeking while playing over the network.

Right now, Open-DP500 does not support the new firmwares (latest working version is 2.65). I will upgrade my DP-500 in the next few days and update Open-DP500. I'm very busy doing my regular 'life'-stuff, so please bare with me.... read more

Posted by Stephan van Maris 2003-07-06

Open-DP500 v0.2 released

Because lot's of things happened in CVS and because 'it works for me', I decided to release the current CVS HEAD as v0.2.

Have fun with it. It's still alpha-quality, so keep me up to date with bugreports

Posted by Stephan van Maris 2003-04-21

Open-DP500 now has a built-in webserver

If you run the server from CVS HEAD, a webserver will be running on port 8001. Currently it displays program-info and status (connected players, playing file, etc.) but I will add configuration options to the web-interface.

Configuration file and security options will be added soon.

Have fun!

Stephan van Maris

Posted by Stephan van Maris 2003-04-21

CVS Info

I finally got Eclipse to work nicely with Sourceforge's CVS. Please note that there are 2 modules in CVS. Do not touch the 'opendp500'-one. It is out of date and I will be removing it shortly.

To checkout the latest sources, check HEAD of the module 'open-dp500' (notice the dash). Playlist-management is well on the way now.

(Any ideas on how to name/rename the playlists using the dp-500? There's not much choice, I'm afraid)

Posted by Stephan van Maris 2003-04-15

Project progress

The progress is still going strong. I wanted to add that the CVS is running, but out of date, because I can't get it to work yet with IDEA's integrated CVS-functions. (I'm using IntelliJ's IDEA for Java-development, which is a great IDE).

On my local development version, I integrated playlist-management and 'most recently played' and 'most popular' files. This all can be managed using the remote control on the DP-500 (!), which is a feature not available on the software supplied by KiSS Technology.... read more

Posted by Stephan van Maris 2003-04-13

Open-DP500 0.1 released

Now you can use your Linux/Mac/Whatever-computer to stream files to the KiSS DP-500 DVD/DiVX/MP3-player. This is a free and open Java-implementation of the PC-Link software supplied by KiSS Technology

Posted by Stephan van Maris 2003-04-08