
what is the easiest way to customize openclinic ga login and screens

  • qwani

    qwani - 2013-04-16

    greetings to dev team we are a small Saudi it services start-up and would like to help with arabic language support for open-clinic ga
    we offered to multiple free public hospitals a free install but they demanded some customization to log in screen and logos to identify every hospital with its own logo and ident
    so i would like a clear guide to customizing open-clinic ga in fastest and easiest way

    • Frank Verbeke

      Frank Verbeke - 2013-04-16

      We do not foresee any customization of login screens (we plan to keep some OpenClinic branding in the application). However, all hospital specific printing logos etc can be customized in a separate directory for each hospital that you put in the 'projects' directory which you find here: c:/projects/openclinic/tomcat6/webapps/openclinic/projects. You will see that already a number of directories exist for different countries (allowing us to provide separate patient admin screens compatible with the administrative organization of each country). You could then add a new directory, let's say 'hospitalx' in which you then copy the logo- and image files you find in any of the country directories. E.g. copy the 'C:\projects\openclinic\tomcat6\webapps\openclinic\projects\be\_img' directory to 'C:\projects\openclinic\tomcat6\webapps\openclinic\projects\hospitalx\_img'. After that:
      1. Modify the images/logos in the newly created '..hospitalx\_img' directory to suite your needs.
      2. Instruct OpenClinic to use the new project directory ('hospitalx') via the menu 'System>Setup>Synchronization>Reset default values'. In the 'project' field, specify 'hospitalx' and click the update button.
      3. Logout and login again and your system should be using the new logos.

      These hospital/site specific directories are never overwritten by OpenClinic updates, so the customized logos will be preserved with every new version. Never try to modify the images/logos in the 'C:\projects\openclinic\tomcat6\webapps\openclinic\_img' directory as they will be overwritten with every new version.

      In fact, the site-specific directories in the 'projects' subdirectory cannot only be used for customization of logos or images. You can customize any OpenClinic file (jsp or other) by copying it into the 'projects' subdirectory. When a .jsp file is requested by a user, the application always looks first in the projects directory to see if a customized version exists before executing the 'default' version. However, always respect the original directory structure when copying a file for customization into the projects directory. E.g.: if you would like to customize the behaviour of 'C:\projects\openclinic\tomcat6\webapps\openclinic\financial\insurance\editInsurance.jsp' for the project 'hospitalx', you would have to put the file in 'C:\projects\openclinic\tomcat6\webapps\openclinic\projects\hospitalx\financial\insurance\editInsurance.jsp'


      Last edit: Frank Verbeke 2013-04-16
      • nana duodu

        nana duodu - 2021-01-22

        Hello Frank,

        I can't find this path in the latest version of OCGA: Step 2. System>Setup>Synchronization>Reset default values'. In the 'project' field, specify 'hospitalx' and click the update button.

        Is there a new path. I don't see "Synchronization". when i go to System>Configuration>Setup.

        Also how do I relabel the application from Post-Factum- OPENCLINIC BF to any other name I want to call it?

        • Ousmane

          Ousmane - 2021-01-22

          OCGA English: System>Setup>Synchronization>Reset default values or OCGA
          French: System>Setup>Synchronization>Configurer paramètres essentiels
          the project field is out there, the second line after the title

          On the login screen, you want to change Test login = "openclinic",
          password = "openclinic"

          Système>Traductions>Gestion des traductions (or whatever in english)
          On the search window, set the language field to English or Anglais
          Copy and paste this Test login = "openclinic", password = "openclinic" in
          the field Description
          Hit the search button
          Click on the result and below change Test login = "openclinic", password =
          "openclinic" to whatever you want; for example: "This is a
          production server, do not use it for training!"

          I can't figure out where you want to apply this change "relabelling the
          application from Post-Factum- OPENCLINIC BF"

          On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 1:35 AM nana duodu

          Hello Frank,

          I can't find this path in the latest version of OCGA: Step 2.
          System>Setup>Synchronization>Reset default values'. In the 'project' field,
          specify 'hospitalx' and click the update button.

          Is there a new path. I don't see "Synchronization". when i go to

          Also how do I relabel the application from Post-Factum- OPENCLINIC BF to
          any other name I want to call it?

          what is the easiest way to customize openclinic ga login and screens

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          • Ousmane

            Ousmane - 2021-01-22

            On PDF forms across the platform (lab results template, pharmacy report
            templates, etc. ), to change the header titles of the template, you should
            go to Système>Traductions>Gestion des traductions (or whatever in english)
            Search title labels, and change them to your own settings

            I hope this will help.

            On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 5:18 PM Ousmane Diouf wrote:

            OCGA English: System>Setup>Synchronization>Reset default values or OCGA
            French: System>Setup>Synchronization>Configurer paramètres essentiels
            the project field is out there, the second line after the title

            On the login screen, you want to change Test login = "openclinic",
            password = "openclinic"

            Système>Traductions>Gestion des traductions (or whatever in english)
            On the search window, set the language field to English or Anglais
            Copy and paste this Test login = "openclinic", password = "openclinic" in
            the field Description
            Hit the search button
            Click on the result and below change Test login = "openclinic", password
            = "openclinic" to whatever you want; for example: "This is a
            production server, do not use it for training!"

            I can't figure out where you want to apply this change "relabelling the
            application from Post-Factum- OPENCLINIC BF"

            On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 1:35 AM nana duodu

            Hello Frank,

            I can't find this path in the latest version of OCGA: Step 2.
            System>Setup>Synchronization>Reset default values'. In the 'project' field,
            specify 'hospitalx' and click the update button.

            Is there a new path. I don't see "Synchronization". when i go to

            Also how do I relabel the application from Post-Factum- OPENCLINIC BF to
            any other name I want to call it?

            what is the easiest way to customize openclinic ga login and screens

            Sent from because you indicated interest in

            To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

  • qwani

    qwani - 2013-04-16

    my email is


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