
output to USB port

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    my old rexx programs in OS/2 output to LPT1. What do I need to do to output to a printer connected via a USB port?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Gary, if you are on Windows you can reroute LPT1 to any shared printer in your network by using the following command: Net Use LPT1: \MYPCNAME\HPLaserJ

      Just replace MYPCNAME with the actual name of your pc and HPLaserJ with the actual name of your shared printer.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      The following worked for me when I migrated from an LPT1-connected printer to a USB model on Windows XP.

      Go to the system configuration window for printers and fax (sorry, I have a German XP and can only guess what the English equivalent for Systemsteuerung is).

      Right-click on the old LPT1 printer and open the properties window. There you select the tab refering to connections (Anschluesse). LPT1 is activated. Scroll down and activate USB too.
      Also activate the printer pool field (lower part of this window).

      Now the old printer is defined as part of a pool that is connected via LPT1 as well as USB.

      When I print to LPT1 from a REXX program or commandline COPY, the data goes to the old printer, if it is connected. If not, Windows automatically reroutes the data to the new USB printer.
      I found I have to append an EOT character (hex 04) to the data. But that may be due to the
      printer hardware (HP 2605). This way, PRINTPS.CMD written by Michael Perks in 1992 for OS/2 still works.

      Hope this is helpful.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      What platform are you currently on (Windows or Linux). If you're on Windows, I have a PrinterObject that will allow you to write ooRexx print code - no matter what port the printer is on. Contact me directly at lee AT safedatausa DOT com


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I have a DOS application (I don't have the source code) that only offers LPT, COM, and PRN output options. Is there some way to trick it into printing to a USB port?



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