
OOOP bug report

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I have installed Oxygen Office 2.4 on a number of Windows 2000 and XP PCs and here is what we have come across.  Neither of these are very big deals, but both appear to be specific to Oxygen Office and not in the standard 2.4 distribution.

    1. When in the print preview mode of Calc, and you press the "format page" button, once you press OK in the dialog, you are always brought back to the first sheet of the workbook, regardless of which sheet you were on when you went into the format dialog.

    2. When you select a range of cells in Calc and you choose, Data -> text to columns, OOOP inserts a blank line between each line of data in the parsing dialog.  If you continue with the dialog, the parser only parses every other cell and leaves the other cells intact.

    I have tested both of these scenarios in 2.4 and they seem to work correctly.

    Please let me know if I can provide any more data to assist in resolving these issues.  We really love the OOOP additions and would like to help make this work better.

    J.R. Tapper
    Director of MIS
    JH Larson Electrical Company

    jrtapp (at) jhlarson (dot) com

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thenk you for your report. We'll check it soon.

    • Kami

      Kami - 2008-05-07

      "This seems to happen in the latest ooo-build-2-4 version as well.  I don't know what could be causing that off the top of my head.
      I've filed a bug for this below to track it." - Kohei

      "So, I put some data in A1:A14, selected that range and went Data -> Text to Columns... to split the values into multiple cells horizontally.  It worked fine for me.  Nothing similar to what he reported happened." Can you sen us a test document?


    • JR Tapper

      JR Tapper - 2008-05-19

      I am sorry for the slow reply, I have been traveling the last couple of weeks.

      1. I see in the bugzilla thread you noted above that there is a solution to this issue (Thanks!).  Do you have any idea when this correction will be available on the OOOP windows builds?

      2. I would be happy to send an example file.  What is the best method for doing this?  It doesn't look like I can attach a file to this thread.  

      Looking back at this issue, I noticed that I did not note my version and build level where I found these issues; OxygenOffice Professional 2.4.0 M12.

      Thank you again,


      • Kami

        Kami - 2008-05-19

        I saw the update in the source news. I will build a next version as soon OOo 2.41 has released.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Send the file to me directly to kami911 [a] gmail [dot] com...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I downloaded and installed the 2.4.1 version and the issue with the text to columns is no longer present  (the format page issue is resolve too)


      J.R. Tapper


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