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This post is to let everyone know that I am now helping to run

Russ (avantman42) has been running the site single-handed (AFAIK) for some time and has been doing a great job. But Russ now has a number of other commitments which mean that he can't devote as much time as he would like to the site, so I have taken over primary responsibility for

Russ is still offering valuable help and advice and remains involved with - it's his "baby" ;)... read more

Posted by 8daysaweek 2005-11-16

New Tools Released on Macros

Two new tools now available on Macros make it easy to inspect the object hierarchy, and distribute macros as add-ons. They should be of interest to anyone that
develops macros for

X-Ray is a tool that allows a developer to inspect the object hierarchy, using an interactive interface. It can display the properties, methods, services and interfaces provided by
an object. If the property or method being examined is an API object, it can also be analysed by X-Ray. If it is a simple variable, the value will be displayed. If the SDK is installed, X-Ray can
display the relevant page in a web browser.... read more

Posted by Russell Phillips 2003-11-24

Code examples collated into one release

Various examples from Danny Brewer have now been collated into the "Danny Brewer's Examples" file release

Posted by Russell Phillips 2003-10-08