
OnlineGrades 3.2.5 Released

Important Security Fix:
We have made updates to the login code to prevent SQL injections [ ], which would allow someone to log in without having a valid password. Everyone needs to upgrade to the latest version (3.2.5).

If you are on 3.2.4 you can delay the upgrade by manually upgrading the following four files using the download:

New Features:
[ 1650274 ] - Rich Text Editor for Notes using TinyMCE (see )
[ 1167387 ] - CSV uploads of information in the Admin Interface
- Including added the ability to upload parent accounts
[ 1167380 ] - Web based database schema installer to help with fresh installs
[ 1560343 ] - Added ability to accept assignment dates in the export from the Grade book software.
(No number) - Added printer friendly views for Parents and Faculty
(No number) - Added ability to send welcome email to students after account creation or edits
(No number) - Fix for Firefox printing where DIVs spanned more than one page. Thanks to David Kenneally for providing a fix.

Bugs Fixed:
[ 1634529 ] Mailer -- Mail to All Broken
[ 1549133 ] IE "conditional compilation is turned off" javascript error
[ 2009929 ] admin/client_update.php SQL Error
Plus more that did not get put into the Bug Tracker

Other news:
Export Support for the "OpenGrade" grade book software -

Upgrade Instructions:
1. Backup your database
2. Backup your current Online Grades Installation.
3. Upload new files, replacing all files except config.php
4. Run and follow instructions in http:///upgrade.php
5. Once you are finished, delete the upgrade.php and the install.php files.
6. That is it!

If you have any question, feel free to post to the forums.

Sam and Beau

Posted by Sam Snow 2009-02-05

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