
Error in once.sql

  • Daniel Serodio

    Daniel Serodio - 2007-08-10

    I'm trying to execute the once.sql script in and I get an error:

    ERROR:  syntax error at or near "OWNED" at character 2026

    I googled for this message and found that it's 8.2 syntax, while my server is 8.1, but the FAQ says 8.1 is recommended!

    Should I switch to 8.2? Is there a 8.1-compatible once.sql ?

    Thanks in advance,
    Daniel Serodio

    • Jamie

      Jamie - 2007-08-11

      It seems that your problem may be referred to in a PostgreSQL bug report:
      But to be sure, we need more information:

      What operating system are you running?

      How is the sql script being imported into postgresql? e.g. command line or database manager
      if a database manager is being used we need the following information
                      1) Name of Product e.g. pgAdmin 3
                      2) Version e.g. 1.6.3
                      3) Steps you are talking to run the database build script e.g sql script window

      We have not been able to duplicate the problem here.
      If this post from does not fix your problem we may need to chat with you on line to work through the issues.

      Jamie Deppeler

    • Jamie

      Jamie - 2007-08-11

      It seems that your problem may be referred to in a PostgreSQL bug report:
      But to be sure, we need more information:

      What operating system are you running?

      How is the sql script being imported into postgresql? e.g. command line or database manager.

      If a database manager is being used we need the following information:
      1) Name of Product e.g. pgAdmin 3 
      2) Version e.g. 1.6.3 
      3) Steps you are talking to run the database build script e.g sql script window

      We have not been able to duplicate the problem here. 
      If this post from does not fix your problem we may need to chat with you on line to work through the issues.

      Jamie Deppeler

    • Daniel Serodio

      Daniel Serodio - 2007-08-13

      I'm on Windows XP SP2. Last week, I'd tried using PgAdmin 1.4.2 (the one that comes with the PostgreSQL 8.1.4 installer).

      Using PgAdmin, I created a user named "once", then a database named "once" owned by the "once" user, and then I opened a SQL Editor window on the newly-created "once" database.

      After your reply, I ran the same once.sql script using command-line "psql", and I got the same error (the main difference is that psql doesn't stop at the first error) on all "ALTER SEQUENCE ... OWNED BY ..." sentences.

      I don't understand how the post could help me... :-/

    • Vadim Karacharski

      Hi Daniel.
      I have made once.sql compatible with PostgreSQL 8.1
      Please get it from\*checkout*/onceradix/Default%20Application/database/once.sql and execute again.

      Vadzim Karacharski

    • onceradix

      onceradix - 2007-08-17


      Just following up on your post.

      Did Vadim's fix resolve your problem?

      As a general comment to everyone reading this: We would like to receive your feedback on how you are progressing. We have been receiving private emails commenting on how we are doing. But we would like to encourage wider discussion so please direct your requests to the open forums.

      Rob Napier

    • Daniel Serodio

      Daniel Serodio - 2007-08-23

      I tried the SQL script you pointed to, and got no errors, but the following output:

      Query result with 1 rows discarded.

      [message repeats 24 times]

      Should I care about these messages?

    • Vadim Karacharski

      Hello Daniel,
      you can ignore these messages.



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