
default user doesn't exist?

  • Jonathan Lin

    Jonathan Lin - 2007-09-26


    I stumbled upon this software while searching for an application that has similar functionalities to FileMaker, which has not been working very well for me. Finding once:radix, it seems to be a very good fit, so I proceeded to download and install. I have successfully installed Tomcat (v5.5.25) and PostgreSQL (v8.1.9) without any errors. I am now looking at the logon screen, where the once//once123 combination does not seem to work. I haven't modified anything and followed the provided instructions for the Mac OSX. Not sure how to proceed from this point...

    Also, while I was compiling PostgreSQL, many of the flags (in particular, the --enable ones) were reported to be ignored. Is that of any concern?


    • Jonathan Lin

      Jonathan Lin - 2007-09-26

      After reading the thread about Debian, I realized my PostgreSQL service wasn't actually working (I had assume my startup scripts were all fine. Obviously they were not). Once I got it running, I was able to successfully log in. Sorry for the confusion here.

    • Jonathan Lin

      Jonathan Lin - 2007-09-27 that I'm looking at this...I've read all the documentation I could, but I can't seem to figure out how to add in a new data source. I could call up records from Admin using SQL queries, so I know the connection is established correctly. I know it has something to do with Model files, but how would I go around creating a Model file? Thanks.

    • onceradix

      onceradix - 2007-09-29


      A great question. There is the long answer and the short one. Let's start with the short answer:

      We (once:technologies) has been building the database and its associated Model and Metamodel files 'by hand'. As I have written in previous posts, I wanted to postpone release until we completed an integrated solution, but was convinced to go ahead as it is. At the same time, I tasked our server engineer to build a Database Manager function within oED to complete this essential component of the system. I have reviewed a preliminary design. It is coming along well. I don't have a release date for it but I expect it will be soon.

      So the short answer is: Watch this space!

      Now for the longer answer:

      You need to make changes to the database using a tool such as PG SQL. Then you need to edit the metamodel and model files to reflect the changes. If you create a new table, you will need to create at least one new model for each table. If you simply add, remove or change fields, modify the Model files to reflect those changes. If you add new tables, you will also need to add new relationships or modify existing relationships in the relevant Metamodel file(s) to show the links between the existing tables and the new table(s).

      This is not particularly difficult but as a fellow FileMaker developer of many years, I know that a more user-friendly interface is needed. The example at shows how we will use an E-R diagram interface. It will continue to evolve as we consider options for adding triggers to the database (without needing the aid of a DBA).


      Rob Napier

      • Jonathan Lin

        Jonathan Lin - 2007-09-29


        Thank you for the reply. Using phpPgAdmin and flipping through the existing sample Models, I've managed to successfully added in a new table. It took a while since I missed a few details when I was writing my own Model and Metamodel files, but I've figured it out at the end. Now, I just need to figure out the Editor and start playing with the scripts!

        About how long would it take for your database manager to be completed? If it would take a while, I don't mind writing up a simple guide of some sort on how to do this, and hopefully spare a few people a couple of hours, until the manager is up.

    • Per Jensen

      Per Jensen - 2007-09-29

      If I understand correctly, you create a one or more database schemas for each application you create in once:radix ?

      Last I played with once:radix i was not clear on how to start a new application, the above explanation clears it somewhat up. Thanks  


    • onceradix

      onceradix - 2007-09-29

      We are really keen to hear from people willing to help us. To be honest, we had hoped to get some offers to help but as yet, no one has volunteered.

      This reluctance is understandable as it may seem too difficult to get into at this stage and/or maybe some think we don't need help. This is definitely not the case.

      If you and any other users are willing to help, please let us know. We are particularly keen to hear from people who can give us practical feedback on what needs to be addressed next and how to improve on what we have done so far.

      I hope to have an alpha release of the Database Manager within the week. Also, we are about to release an installer for Linux.

      Again, if you would like to help yourself and us at the same time, please offer to help a little. At the moment, reviews of the tutorial documentation would be of greatest use to everyone.

      And repeating an earlier post, if you want to add to your understanding of how to build systems using once:radix, take some time to check out once:fabrik (

      It appears that the US server is down this weekend but the Australian server is operational.


      Rob Napier

      P.S. Geelong beat Port Adelaide today 163:44 points in the Australian Football League (AFL) grand final. Our head office is in Geelong.

      It's been 44 years since our city last won. This is a good omen. Go Cats!

    • onceradix

      onceradix - 2007-09-29


      Did you read the section: 'Blocks, Subblocks, Metamodels, Relationships and Models' in the oED documentation. It is not complete but it gives some idea of how the parts fit together.

      The main thing to remember is that you need to create Relationships to define the table joins. This is no small tasks for many people. The new functions will make that process much easier.

      I'll write a more thorough document to go with the release of the Database Manager, as soon as it is ready.

      Rob Napier


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