
Tree [f2c7fd] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 debian 2009-08-03 Giulio Urlini Giulio Urlini [4c2de2] updated debian config files for deb packages cr...
 doc 2009-11-06 Giulio Urlini Giulio Urlini [4a7fbf] added quality levels support
 include 2008-10-14 Pankaj Sen Pankaj Sen [5fa793] Updating headers to 1.1.2 version
 m4 2008-06-05 Felipe Contreras Felipe Contreras [105150] Set proper pluginsdir.
 src 2011-05-20 Giulio Urlini Giulio Urlini [683b3c] Merge branch 'dynamic_loader'
 test 2011-05-20 Giulio Urlini Giulio Urlini [fa0502] Removed gprof options
 .gitignore 2010-09-16 Giulio Urlini Giulio Urlini [b7ba06] Merge branch 'Android_integration_branch'
 AUTHORS 2008-07-04 Giulio Urlini Giulio Urlini [c242f0] Pre-release 0.9.0 commit 2010-12-13 Giulio Urlini Giulio Urlini [54ac11] Added debug mesages
 Android_Integration_README 2010-12-16 Giulio Urlini Giulio Urlini [772f0e] Removed useless directory 2010-12-16 Giulio Urlini Giulio Urlini [772f0e] Removed useless directory
 COPYING 2006-02-24 Giulio Urlini Giulio Urlini [3b2667] initial import
 ChangeLog 2011-05-20 Giulio Urlini Giulio Urlini [683b3c] Merge branch 'dynamic_loader' 2009-03-24 Giulio Urlini Giulio Urlini [1c2ace] moved symbian related stuff to development branch
 NEWS 2010-09-16 Giulio Urlini Giulio Urlini [b7ba06] Merge branch 'Android_integration_branch'
 README 2011-05-20 Giulio Urlini Giulio Urlini [f2c7fd] Added minor notes
 TODO 2008-07-04 Giulio Urlini Giulio Urlini [c242f0] Pre-release 0.9.0 commit 2011-05-20 Giulio Urlini Giulio Urlini [fa0502] Removed gprof options 2008-05-07 Felipe Contreras Felipe Contreras [d8656f] Rename libomxil to libomxil-bellagio. 2011-05-20 Giulio Urlini Giulio Urlini [f2c7fd] Added minor notes

Read Me

Bellagio OpenMAX Integration Layer 1.1.2 project
Release 0.9.3

This is an Open Source implementation of the OpenMAX Integration Layer
(IL) API ver. 1.1.2, specified by the Khronos group (see

This package includes the libomxil-bellagio shared library together with the
following OpenMAX components (built as separate shared objects and
loaded at runtime):

- An IL core
- A component loader for static libraries for Linux
- A simple resource manager
- A framework of components and ports base classes for Bellagio Hierarchy
- A draft support to content pipes

- OMX audio volume control
- OMX audio mixer component

- a video scheduler connected to a clock component for video synchronization

- OMX Clock component. It take audio(default) as input reference clock
  and provide media clock to video sink and other component. It support
  fast forward and rewind.

- support for dynamic loading of components
- compilation compatible with Android

All the other components present in the old versions of Bellagio
are distributed from the 0.9.2 on as external packages maintained separately.
If you need more details you can check the download page in the Bellagio web site:


export BELLAGIO_SEARCH_PATH=$INSTALL_DIR/lib/bellagio/:$INSTALL_DIR/lib/extern_omxcomp/lib/:$INSTALL_DIR/lib/
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$INSTALL_DIR/lib/pkgconfig/:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/

where $INSTALL_DIR is by default /usr/local or can be specified with configure with the following command option:
./configure --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR

 BUILD the bellagio library

autoreconf -i -f $(source_path)
make install
make check

Before attempting to run any test, the OMX components *must* be
registered with the command "omxregister-bellagio".

omxregister-bellagio components_path1:components_path2

That will create a registry file that will contain all the components
installed in the specified directories. By default the components 
distributed with this package are installed in /usr/local/lib/bellagio
and the registry entries are stored in the file $HOME/.omxregister
The location of registry file can be changed setting the environment variable
OMX_BELLAGIO_REGISTRY to the location and name of the new register file.
Note: the default location for the installation is TARGET=/usr/local/lib 
for the library, and the component will be installed in TARGET/bellagio 
To change the installation directory execute the configure as in the example:

$(source_path)/configure --prefix=new_installation_path


The following simple test applications are provided:




Usage: omxvolcontroltest [-o outfile] [-g gain] filename

       -o outfile: If this option is specified, the output stream is
                   written to outfile otherwise redirected to std
       -g: Gain of PCM data [0...100]
       -h: Displays this help

Usage: omxaudiomixertest [-o outfile] [-gi gain] -t -r 44100 -n 2 filename1 filename2 [filename3] [filename4] 

       -o outfile: If this option is specified, the output stream is
                   written to outfile otherwise redirected to std
                   output; Can't be used with -t.
       -gi       : Gain of stream i[0..3] data [0...100]
       -t        : The audio mixer is tunneled with the ALSA sink;
                   Can't be used with -o
       -r 44100  : Sample Rate [Default 44100]
       -n 2      : Number of channel [Default 2]
       -h        : Displays this help

The omxvolcontroltest and omxaudiomixertest receive as input an audio decompressed stream.
If an output file is produced yet another uncompressed audio stream is written.
The purpose of these tests is to verify the correct behavior of audio effects volume control ands audio mixer.
If any developer is interested in a full multimedia chain with codecs also please refer to the external components 
and relates tests. A set of application using many components is also provided as a separate package.
For further details go to the download page of the Bellagio web pages:


- To build RPM:

 make dist
 cp libomxil-bellagio-0.9.3.tar.gz $HOME/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
 rpmbuild -bb libomxil-bellagio.spec
To build the installable deb package with the Bellagio libraries run in the source directory:

sudo checkinstall --pkgsource=$(source_path) --install=no --spec=$(source_path)/libomxil-bellagio.spec --inspect
Note: the deb package will store the intallation path set by the last configure executed

There are two ways to generate the source code package. One is provided by the
makefile internal structure, running the following command:

make dist
In Ubuntu system is also available the debian mechanism to build a 
source code package, running the following instructions, in the base
directory of the source code:

dpkg-buildpackage -S

Android Support
Actually the Bellagio framework can be executed in Android Froyo 2.2 using the stagefright multimedia framework.
Some makefiles and instructions are contained in the actual packet.

This version has been tested on:

- UBUNTU 10.10 and older
- Fedora Core 11

UBUNTU Installation instructions

In order to compile properly the bellagio framework in Ubuntu some packages
should be added. These packages are not included in the base ubuntu installation.
the packages to be installed with sudo apt-get install are:

Last modified: Jan 12, 2011